Physics - Deformations

We need to be able model things that are springy and spongy. These object need to deform when compressed and apply a force to the objects around them.

some objects (cable, rope, chain) can be deformed but not stretched.



Springs are designed to deform in one direction.


Simulations of humans

As I have said already I think that simulations of humans is so important. When joints bend we need to model the stretching of the skin.

The work of VRML Humanoid Animation Working Group at: does not seem to explain how to do this? perhaps I have missed something.

I can think of several possibilities for this:

  1. Have a zone around the joint where coordinates are transformed in proportion to their distance from the joint.
  2. Properly model the muscles, fat, tendons and other tissue.


metadata block
see also:

go to water




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