Physics - General reading

This page is a bit off-topic for a site that is mostly about 3D programming and physics, but is good sometimes to think about some wider issues, here are a couple of books that took my interest.

cover A New Kind of Science

I've just started reading this book, I have summarised the main points the book is making in the following 'Wolframs laws':

  1. A simple system can produce complex behavior
  2. A more complex system will not necessarily produce more complex behavior.

What is 'complexity' in this context?

It seems to be a pattern that cannot be easily described, but is not quite random. It seems to get extra 'complexity points' for looking interesting and for looking the same at different scales.

cover Quantum Evolution


cover Feynman lectures on Physics 3 volume set.


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Book Shop - Further reading.

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.


Commercial Software Shop

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for commercial software, not directly related to the software project, but related to the subject being discussed, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the software or to buy it from them.


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