SPAD Syntax

This is one of a set of pages about the Axiom CAS and its forks, particularly FriCAS, these pages start here. This particular page specifies an approximate syntax for SPAD.

The FriCAS/Axiom code is written in a language called SPAD, for an overview of this language see this page. SPAD is very powerful and also quite experimental in its structure, it does not easily map onto a syntax that a conventional parser could use (perhaps its not even possible). There are disadvantages to the way that the current parser works, its not easy to specify its operation, its difficult to change, error messages are unhelpful and it does not allow modern IDE tools to be used.

Although it may not be possible/practical to specify the SPAD exactly we can get very close. I have implemented the syntax proposed on this page as a program for editing FriCAS code. This program can fully parse over half of the FriCAS algebra library and the remaining files only have a few remaining errors.

FriCAS parses SPAD using a type of parser known as a 'Pratt' parser. In this type of parser each operator has different binding powers for its left and right. The SPAD parser also has 'special handlers' for certain operators. In this type of parser there is less distinction made between expressions and statements, effectively everything is treated as an expression so in this context, not only are "+" and "*" operators but also other keywords such as "for" and "return".

This is quite difficult to use with Eclipse/Xtext because program blocks are usually indicated by whitespace (pile mode). In order to allow us to parse SPAD I have written a 'front-end' to the parser which:

However whitespace is still significant, in that statements are not separated by semicolon ';' but require a new line, which makes the parser harder to write than it would otherwise be.

The code to do this runs when these files are read into the SPAD project (usually when the project is created). Therefore the user sees the code with these changes applied. I don't really know a practical way to undo these changes when the editing has been done and the program is saved.

In order to construct this syntax I started with the LED and NUD tables which specify how SPAD is interpeted (and compiled?). These tables give the operator and keyword precedences, from which we can start to buld the syntax. These tables are shown on this page.

Here we are using a LL(*) recursive-descent parser generator and this may not be able to exactly replicate the SPAD parser as described above

I have taken this information from s-parser.boot in src/interp so I suspect that it in valid only for the SPAD interpreter and not the compiler however I am hoping that this will be a close enough approximation for this purpose.


spad syntax diagram

CategoryDef,PackageDef and DomainDef must end with newline to ensure that only an '@' at the start of a line will be taken as the end.

On this line whitespace (WS) is not hidden so is explicitly included.


spad syntax diagram

The body of the category is defined by the 'WherePart' rule (following the 'where' keyword).

This, in turn, contains rules 'WithPart' and 'AddPart'.

Sometimes, due to a slightly different syntax the add part is outside the 'WherePart'.

Not every category has a 'WithPart' or a 'AddPart'.

screenshot category

longname and longname2 should both be ID and have the same value as the name of the category. Since the runtime values can't be checked by the parser this must be checked later.


spad syntax diagram

As with category above the body of the package is defined by the 'WherePart' rule (following the 'where' keyword).

Similar comments to those in category apply regarding the 'WithPart' and 'AddPart' rules.

screenshot package

longname and longname2 should both be ID and have the same value. Since the runtime values can't be checked by the parser this must be checked later.


spad syntax diagram

The syntax of DomainDef is the same as PackageDef except that a domain has a 'Rep' although that is not checked by the parser so, at the parser level, they are the same.


spad syntax diagram

Both category and domain can have 'where' part which holds overall information such as category/domain parameter information and general macros. This is followed by export('with') and import ('add') information.

Forms allowed include:


spad syntax diagram

each one must be on a separate line or separated by ';'

need to add name=


spad syntax diagram

the 'where' part contains a 'with' part which holds export information such as function signatures (function declarations) but not function definitions.


spad syntax diagram

similar to 'WithPart' but no trailing NL


spad syntax diagram

the 'where' part contains a 'add' part which holds function and other declarations.


spad syntax diagram

The add section of domain or package may contain multiple lines


     if (r := recip leadingCoefficient M) case "failed" then {
                                    error "Modulus cannot be made monic"


spad syntax diagram

Function definition in add part (called by AddStatements). * has a form like:

name(params) == statement

or, option for single parameter without brackets:

name param == statement

or, option for zero parameters without brackets:

This does not always work at the moment, for instance, this does not work:

size == size$R ^ d

but this does

size() == size$R ^ d

or, for infix operators,

a = b == statement

or, for multiple statements,

name(params) == {

some function definitions may be conditional like this:

 if % has finiteAggregate then {
    * ... }


spad syntax diagram

Called by 'AddStatements' rule.

Allows more add statements inside:

if a has y then 'more add statements'


spad syntax diagram

This is the first part of the function definition without the return type or the function implementation.

Usually the function signature has a form like: name(params)
We allow a single parameter to be given without brackets: name param
We also allow some alternative forms to represent infix operators like: a = b to represent _=(a,b)
or the following (this works but only for % we need it to work for every type)

s:% = t:%


a > b to represent _>(a,b)

can be used as a function signature as a short form of _0() or _1()



spad syntax diagram

macros provide a general textual substitution. There are two forms:


spad syntax diagram

import domain


spad syntax diagram

Variable declaration in where and with sections:

A 'variable' can be simple like: x:Float
or something more complicated like: x:Record(newPt: Pt,type: String)
or it can be a function like: x:(Float,Integer) -> Float
or it can be conditional like: if S has SetCategory then x:S


spad syntax diagram

This rule declares a variable/function. It is not yet defined or used but just declared.

This is used in 'where' and 'with' parts.

Variable declaration in 'where' and 'with' sections. This is often a function declaration but we can also declare an ordinary variable.

A 'variable' can be simple like: x:Float
or something more complicated like: x:Record(newPt: Pt,type: String)
or it can be a function like: x:(Float,Integer) -> Float
or it can be conditional like: if S has SetCategory then x:S



spad syntax diagram

This rule is used where a type is expected like:

but it may also have an optional name like:


spad syntax diagram

Variable name with optional type. This is used in function signature and also by VariableDeclaration:

A 'variable' can be simple like: x:Float
or something more complicated like: x:Record(newPt: Pt,type: String)
or it can be a function like: x:(Float,Integer) -> Float
we can define multiple variables together: i,j : Integer


spad syntax diagram

in add part we can declare and assign in same part such as:

There are two forms of multiple assignment:


spad syntax diagram

free variable allows us to declare a variable that is global

allows us to declare a variable that is not global

TypeExpression (and TypeExpression1,TypeExpression2)

spad syntax diagram

This is similar to Expression but known to be of type. (Expression can also be of type) but if we know that this is a type we can exclude some possibilities.

Ideally, at the syntax level, I think there should be no distinction between 'expressions' and 'type expressions', just 'expressions' which could be either type. However I have not managed to achieve this yet. I have discussed this issue further on this page.

A 'typeExpression' can be simple like:

or something more complicated like:

or it can be a function like:

first we check for a function like: Integer -> Integer

type expression heirachy


This is the same as TypeExpression except it does not allow the type to be extended by using a 'with' keyword. It is used in the 'where' rule because the 'with' in that case has a slightly different syntax.


We use a type parameter list for parameters of category, package or domains

Parameter list may be empty '()'.

in this case parameters may be just ID or they may be nameID:typeID

examples are:


spad syntax diagram

we use type arguments for first part of function type, that is

x in x-> y

usually this is enclosed in parenthesis

(x) in (x)-> y

but if x is a single argument (Including Record, Union, etc.) then it does not need to be in parenthesis.


spad syntax diagram

we use type arguments for final part of function type, that is

y in x-> y

TypePrimaryExpression (and TypePrimaryExpression1,TypePrimaryExpression2)

spad syntax diagram

this matches various specific types


This is the same as TypePrimaryExpression except it does not allow the type to be extended by using a 'with' keyword. It is used in the 'where' rule because the 'with' in that case has a slightly different syntax.

heirchy diagram


spad syntax diagram

This rule will match:

A type function is also known as a parameterised type or functor (not necessarily a true functor since it may not obey the axioms of a functor).

If there is only one parameter then the parenthesis are optional


spad syntax diagram

This has a form like: (Integer,Float,String)

like an array where each entry can be of a different type


spad syntax diagram

Since SPAD supports dependent types then numbers and strings can occur here.

Outstanding issues:


spad syntax diagram

In FunctionDefinition the algorithm is defined by a sequence of the following statements:


spad syntax diagram

Allows multiple statements which are grouped by wrapping in braces (curly brackets).


spad syntax diagram

Gives a value or assigns a value to a variable or does conditional exit



spad syntax diagram

To Do

As a temporary measure we check for '..' as a suffix operator here, but we should really put this into expression?

We need to allow conditions using BAR '|'


spad syntax diagram

while BoolExpr repeat loopBody


do loopBody while BoolExpr


will repeat until we jump out. For instance by calling return.


iterate ...
skips over the remainder of a loop


break leave current loop


return leave current function


import - use 'Import' instead

If Statement

spad syntax diagram

'if' statement allows program flow to be switched


if ... then ... else ... always returns a value so we can use this on the right hand side of an assignment

since there is an explicit 'then' keyword there is no need to put the condition in brackets


a:= if x >0 then x else -x
if R has Field then ... 
if myUnion case mtType then ...

we also need to allow a form like this:

 if x >0 {
       then x
       else -x

also this form (this requires IfElseStatement rule):

if x >0 then {
else {


spad syntax diagram

This is the top level for expressions

This level handles special cases such as:

if x then y else z

(x,y) +-> z

We can consider expressions as elements of statements

Expressions contain no newlines unless preceded by underscore (which is handled by WS)

Exit Expression

spad syntax diagram

condition '=>' expr1 ';' expr2

Condition Expression

spad syntax diagram

Or Expression

spad syntax diagram

There is also another rule that looks for 'or' which is PredicateOr, this version is used in a general expression and the other version is used when we know we have a predicate.

And Expression

There is also another rule that looks for 'and' which is PredicateAnd, this version is used in a general expression and the other version is used when we know we have a predicate.

InnerProduct Expression

spad syntax diagram

This has multiple uses such as inner product and logical or.

The backslash is duplicated here because it is the escape character for strings, it will not be duplicated when used.


This has multiple uses such as outer product and logical and.

The backslash is duplicated here because it is the escape character for strings, it will not be duplicated when used.

Has Expression

spad syntax diagram

Predicate which returns true if preceding value is of a given type or inherits from the type. Test is done at compile time so it does not test runtime values.


if R has Field then ..

Case Expression

Select from Union values, example:

if myUnion case mtType then ...

In Expression

used in list comprehension

Equality Expression

spad syntax diagram

Relational Expression

spad syntax diagram

Is Expression

spad syntax diagram


Predicate which returns true if preceding value is of a given type. Test is done at compile time so it does not test runtime values.

Segment Expression

this is used to indicate a range:

"..", "SEGMENT", precedence: 401, 699, ["parse_Seg"]

Additive Expression

We include both '+' and '-' in the same case as this allows a multiple sequence like:

a + b + c - d + e -f

Exquo Expression

"exquo", precedence: 800, 801

Division Expression

division expression

"/", precedence: 800, 801

Quo Expression

spad syntax diagram

quo", precedence: 800, 801

Mod Expression

"mod", precedence: 800, 801

Rem Expression

"rem", precedence: 800, 801

Multiplicative Expression

spad syntax diagram

multiplication expression

a * b * c

"*", precedence: 800, 801

Exponent Expression

* "^", precedence: 901, 900
* "**", precedence: 901, 900

Map Expression

spad syntax diagram

Map or Lambda expression

var +-> function

+-> is an infix operator meaning 'maps-to'

It can be used to create a function literal (an anonymous function), so instead of:

myFunct(x:Type):Type == if x >0 then x else -x

we can have forms such as:

x +-> if x >0 then x else -x


(x,y) +-> if x >0 then y else -x

fricas compatibility: "+->", precedence: 995, 112

Assign Expression

spad syntax diagram

An assign expression like this:

x := y

Can also be an inner assign like this:

x := (y := z)

or just:

x := y := z

right is expression to allow forms like

x := if y<0 then -y else y

Pretend Expression

spad syntax diagram

Pretend Type: treat one type as another, only works if they have the same internal structure.

Not very safe and should be avoided, if possible, unfortunately its not always possible to avoid.

"pretend", precedence: 995, 996

Coerce Expression

"::", precedence: 996, 997

although '::' and '@' apparently have the same precidence we want '@' to bind more tightly than '::'. As we can see in the following example:

"dictionary"@String :: OutputForm.

HintType Expression

"@", precedence: 996, 997

Bang Expression

We treat these as part of the language


With Expression

"with", precedence: 2000, 400, ["parse_InfixWith"]

Elt Expression

spad syntax diagram

Elt is Lisp terminology for the use of '.' to select parameters

The left expression is something that has selectable elements such as a list, array, string, Record or union, the right element should be a non-negative integer.

ExplicitType Expression


Unary Expression

spad syntax diagram

unary prefixes:

unary suffixes

Unary ExpressionHash


Primary Expression

spad syntax diagram

Can contain an expression in parenthesis, this expression is 'StatementExpression' which means that it can contain an inner assignment.

The comma option allows us to define a tuple


spad syntax diagram

function call such as List(Integer) known as a parameterised type or functor (not necessarily a true functor since

it may not obey the axioms of a functor)

if there is only one parameter then the parenthesis are optional

function binds most tightly


spad syntax diagram

Literals are actual values of a given type

Outstanding issues:


spad syntax diagram

Contains a single character whereas a string contains multiple characters.


This may not need to be specified here at the syntax level. Perhaps we should treat boolean as any other library defined type.


A list literal may consist of:






In order to analyse SPAD code we need to:

metadata block
see also:
Correspondence about this page

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Copyright (c) 1998-2023 Martin John Baker - All rights reserved - privacy policy.