

Casts between these are usually implicit but sometimes we need functions/macroes to convert between them:

Lisp Implementation

It seems hard to undersand how to create data structures (especially 'Rep') until we realise that, when we are working in SPAD, The language Lisp is just below the surface.

Therefore the best way to study data structures is to look at the lisp output, I have therefore created a very simple domain which allows me to see the lisp structure each data type creates:

)abbrev domain TEST TestRep
TestRep(): T==C where
 T== with
  test:() -> %
 C== add
  Rep := Record(v: NonNegativeInteger)
  test(): % == [5]

When we create an instance of Rep, we get,

(1) -> test()

 LISP output:
                                                            Type: TestRep

I therefore used this program, modifying 'Rep' and the constructor with every type of data that I could think of. I then put the results in this table.

type SPAD Lisp Output
integer Rep := NonNegativeInteger
test(): % == 5::NonNegativeInteger
float Rep := Float
test(): % == 0.5
(147573952589676412928 . -68)
boolean Rep := Boolean
test(): % == true
character Rep := Character
test(): % == char("a")
string Rep := String
test(): % == "a string"
a string
list Rep := List NonNegativeInteger
test(): % == [1,2,3]
(1 2 3)
Rep := List NonNegativeInteger
test(): % == []
record Rep := Record(v: NonNegativeInteger)
test(): % == [5]
(part 1)
Rep := Union(NonNegativeInteger,String)
test(): % == 5::NonNegativeInteger
(0 . 5)
(part 2)
Rep := Union(NonNegativeInteger,String)
test(): % == string(123)
(1 . 123)
type Rep := Type
test(): % == NonNegativeInteger
>> System error:
The value |NonNegativeInteger|
is not of type LIST.
quaternion Rep := Quaternion(Float)
test(): % == quatern(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4)
symbol Rep := Symbol
test(): % == a
equation Rep := Equation(Polynomial(Integer))
test(): % == equation(a%,3)
>> Apparent user error:
cannot compile (equation %a 3)
variable Rep := Variable(a%)
test(): % == a%


In addition to direct data we also want to have pointers or references, this allows us to create linked lists, trees and similar structures. So how do we put a pointer into Rep? One way seems to be to use List % which seems to be interpreted as a pointer (using Rep := % on its own seems to cause an error):

)abbrev domain TEST TestRep
TestRep(): T==C where
 T== with
  test:(next:%) -> %
 C== add
  Rep := List %
  test(next:%): % == next

So first in (1) we construct an instance with an empty list, then in (2) we construct an instance with a pointer to (1),

(1) -> t1 := test([])

   (1)  test
                                                             Type: Symbol
(2) -> t2 := test([t1])

   (2)  test
                                                             Type: Symbol

So that allows us to point to an instance of the same type but how do we point to instances of other types?

type SPAD Lisp Output
pointer to another instance of same type. Rep := List %
test(next:%): % == next


how are types represented as variables? That is we want a variable say:

myType: Type

which might be set to NonNegativeInteger, Float, String and so on.

metadata block
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