Lambda Calculus

In type theory a function type can be constructed from(deconstructed to) an expression. function diagram

Type Theory rules for Lambda Calculus


Function Type

formation rule

Given any two types A and B we can form a function type A->B

right adjointA:Type   right adjointB:Type
right adjointA->B : Type

term introduction rule

assume a implies b

(given a proof of A we get a proof of B)

lambda abstraction:

Γ a:Aright adjointb:B   Γright adjointB:Type
Γright adjointλa.b : A -> B

term eliminator

Modus Ponens


Γright adjointA->B:Type   Γright adjointa:A
Γright adjointf(a) : B

computation rule

substitution - in this case of a for x.

( λ x . b(x)) (a) ->β b(a)

we reduce this by substitution.


Local completeness rule

eta reduction rule

M:A->B ->η λ x. M x

More about function type constructors (and deconstructors or eliminators) on page here.


The computation rule above implements substitution. This computation rule is the term eliminator followed by the term introduction rule.

This is β-substitution, which is a change of the variable name.


Modeling Computation


metadata block
see also:


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