Eclipse New Plug-In Project

On this page we create a new Plug-in Project. Then, on the following pages, we create extension points for various user interfaces (UI) on the following pages:

Create a New Plug-in Project

To create a new plug-in project do the following:

From the File menu do the following:

New Plugin project (new -> plug-in development -> plug-in project)

new plugin project

Project name: com.euclideanspace.spad.builder

(I left Eclipse version as '3.5 or greater' because there is no way to specify 4.2)

click Next

new plugin project

I did not change anything on this page.

If we want to build sample plugins then click Next to choose a template. If we want to create our UI handlers individually then just click on finish.

new plugin project

For my SPAD builder project I just wanted to create a wizard so I clicked finish and then followed the page here.

But for other projects we have options:

Start with Own UI Handlers

Following on from content screen at earlier stage on this page. In this case assuming that we don't want to use a built in template and we will add UI handlers individually.

don't select any plugins (deselect 'Create a plug-in using one of the templates')


new project wizard

Might as well open a plug-in perspective so click yes.


new project wizard

We now need to create our own UI handlers so go to this page to create a wizard handler.

Start with built-in templates.

Following on from content screen at earlier stage on this page. In this case assuming that we will use a built in template.

I selected the 'Hello, World' template.


console plugin

changed name to 'consoleHandler' and clicked Finish


console plugin

This creates a project with an activator.

Because we used this template we already have new menu item extension point. If we want to change it to run a wizard go to this page.

Create a New Menu Item Project

From the File menu do the following

New Plugin project (new -> plug-in development -> plug-in project) console plugin

Project name: com.euclideanspace.consoleCmd

(I left Eclipse version as '3.5 or greater' because there is no way to specify 4.2)

click Next

console plugin
Next console plugin

I selected the 'Hello, World' template.


console plugin

changed name to 'consoleHandler' and clicked Finish


console plugin

This creates a project with an activator.

We can now create extension points for various user interfaces (UI) as shown on the following pages:

metadata block
see also:
Correspondence about this page

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