XES - Programmers Guide - nodeParameterList

The nodeParameterList node always occurs under a MethodDec node. It is used hold the parameters of a method or constructor. Each parameter is held in a seperate nodeParameter node.

Attributes used


Child Elements

Only nodeParameter andcomment nodes.

Schema entry

For information about XES schema see these pages.

	<xs:complexType name="methodType">
<xs:element name="parameterList" type="parameterListType"/>
<xs:element name="tags" type="tagList"/>
<xs:element name="meta" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="variable" type="variableType"/>
<xs:element name="call" type="callType"/>
<xs:element name="comment" type="commentType"/>
<xs:element name="if" type="ifType"/>
<xs:element name="loop" type="loopType"/>
<xs:element name="switch" type="switchType"/>
<xs:element name="try" type="tryType"/>
<xs:element name="break" type="breakType"/>
<xs:element name="return" type="returnType"/>
<xs:element name="block" type="blockType"/>
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="public" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:attribute name="private" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:attribute name="protected" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:attribute name="static" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:attribute name="abstract" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:attribute name="native" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:attribute name="synchonised" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:attribute name="final" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:complexType name="parameterListType">
<xs:element name="comment" type="commentType"/>
<xs:element name="parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="comment" type="commentType"/>
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="tagType" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attribute name="tagValue" type="xs:string"/>

Possible Improvements


Examples of usage

usage java example XES example
no parameters myMethod() {
<method constructor="true" name="myMethod">
primitive type parameter. myMethod(int i) {
<method constructor="true" name="myMethod">
<parameter name="i" type="int"/>
non-primitive type parameter. myMethod(myClass mc){
<method constructor="true" name="myMethod">
<parameter name="mc" type="myClass"/>
multiple parameters. myMethod(int i,myClass mc) {
<method constructor="true" name="myMethod">
<parameter name="i" type="int"/>
<parameter name="mc" type="myClass"/>


Each parameter is defined by parameter node.

myMethod(int i,myClass mc) {



metadata block
see also:


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