C++ programming with KDevelop - mjbModel Makefile

# Makefile for building: libmjbModel.a
# Generated by qmake (1.07a) (Qt 3.3.4) on: Fri Jul 22 19:23:01 2005
# Project: mjbModel.pro
# Template: lib
# Command: $(QMAKE) -o Makefile mjbModel.pro

####### Compiler, tools and options

CC = gcc
CXX = g++
LEX = flex
YACC = yacc
CFLAGS = -pipe -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -g -DUSE_LIB64_PATHES -Wall -W -g -D_REENTRANT -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT
CXXFLAGS = -pipe -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -g -DUSE_LIB64_PATHES -Wall -W -g -D_REENTRANT -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT
INCPATH = -I/usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I. -I/usr/include -I$(QTDIR)/include -I/usr/include -Imocs/
AR = ar cqs
MOC = $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
UIC = $(QTDIR)/bin/uic
QMAKE = qmake
TAR = tar -cf
GZIP = gzip -9f
COPY = cp -f
DEL_FILE = rm -f
SYMLINK = ln -sf
DEL_DIR = rmdir
MOVE = mv -f
MKDIR = mkdir -p

####### Output directory


####### Files

HEADERS = stable.h \
property.h \
baseEditor.h \
nodeBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfnode.h \
mfnode.h \
sfbool.h \
sfint32.h \
mfint32.h \
sfparam.h \
sfboolEditor.h \
protoInstanceBean.h \
sftransform.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
mfvec3f.h \
mfvec2f.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfrotationEditor.h \
sftime.h \
mfrotation.h \
sfmulti3d.h \
sfstring.h \
mfstring.h \
mfpropertyMap.h \
sfpropertyMap.h \
sfcolor.h \
sffloat.h \
sfimage.h \
sfimageEditor.h \
mffloat.h \
mfcolor.h \
sfedge.h \
mfedge.h \
d_editProperty.h \
sfvec2fEditor.h \
d_editTable.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sftransformEditor.h \
sfnodeEditor.h \
sfstringEditor.h \
sftimeEditor.h \
sfint32Editor.h \
sfcolorEditor.h \
sffloatEditor.h \
colCanvas.h \
routeBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
linkBean.h \
groupBean.h \
worldInfoBean.h \
visibilitySensorBean.h \
metadataDoubleBean.h \
metadataFloatBean.h \
metadataIntegerBean.h \
metadataSetBean.h \
metadataStringBean.h \
metadataBean.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
viewPlatformBean.h \
d_button.h \
constraintBean.h \
touchSensorBean.h \
timeSensorBean.h \
textureTransformBean.h \
textureCoordinateBean.h \
pixelTextureBean.h \
materialBean.h \
textureBean.h \
textureAttributesBean.h \
fontStyleBean.h \
textBean.h \
protoBean.h \
externProtoBean.h \
texCoordGenerationBean.h \
lightBean.h \
pointLightBean.h \
switchBean.h \
spotLightBean.h \
sphereSensorBean.h \
sphereBean.h \
soundscapeBean.h \
audioClipBean.h \
soundBean.h \
sharedGroupBean.h \
shape3dBean.h \
scriptBean.h \
scoreBean.h \
scalarInterpolatorBean.h \
renderingAttributesBean.h \
rasterBean.h \
proximitySensorBean.h \
positionInterpolatorBean.h \
polygonAttributesBean.h \
pointSetBean.h \
pointAttributesBean.h \
planeSensorBean.h \
particleBean.h \
particleArrayBean.h \
orientationInterpolatorBean.h \
orderedGroupBean.h \
normalInterpolatorBean.h \
normalBean.h \
navigationInfoBean.h \
controlPointBean.h \
multipleBean.h \
movieTextureBean.h \
morphBean.h \
loadTimeScriptBean.h \
behaviorBean.h \
mjbModel.h \
lodBean.h \
checkOptionsDialog.h \
kinematicsBean.h \
inlineBean.h \
indexedLineSetBean.h \
imageTextureBean.h \
coordinateBean.h \
colorBean.h \
ifsBean.h \
fogBean.h \
blobBean.h \
geometryBean.h \
extrusionBean.h \
elivationGridBean.h \
dynamicsBean.h \
directionalLightBean.h \
decalGroupBean.h \
d_checkbox.h \
d_simplify.h \
cylinderSensorBean.h \
cylinderBean.h \
coordinateInterpolatorBean.h \
coneBean.h \
commentBean.h \
coloringAttributesBean.h \
colorInterpolatorBean.h \
collisionDetectBean.h \
collisionActionBean.h \
collisionBean.h \
clipBean.h \
boxBean.h \
billboardBean.h \
behaviorCollision.h \
backgroundBean.h \
appearanceBean.h \
errorBean.h \
lineAttributesBean.h \
anchorBean.h \
ambientLightBean.h \
BoundsEditor.h \
SOURCES = properties.cpp \
sfparam.cpp \
nodeBean.cpp \
mfparam.cpp \
sfbool.cpp \
sfboolEditor.cpp \
protoInstanceBean.cpp \
routeEvent.cpp \
sfvec3f.cpp \
sfvec3fEditor.cpp \
mfvec3f.cpp \
mfvec2f.cpp \
sfvec2f.cpp \
sfrotation.cpp \
sfrotationEditor.cpp \
sftransform.cpp \
mfpropertyMap.cpp \
sfpropertyMap.cpp \
sftime.cpp \
mfrotation.cpp \
sfmulti3d.cpp \
sfint32.cpp \
mfint32.cpp \
sfnode.cpp \
mfnode.cpp \
routePropertyChange.cpp \
sfstring.cpp \
mfstring.cpp \
sceneBean.cpp \
groupBean.cpp \
sfcolor.cpp \
sffloat.cpp \
sfimage.cpp \
sfimageEditor.cpp \
mffloat.cpp \
mfcolor.cpp \
sfedge.cpp \
mfedge.cpp \
baseEditor.cpp \
d_editProperty.cpp \
arrayEditor.cpp \
d_editTable.cpp \
sfvec2fEditor.cpp \
sftransformEditor.cpp \
sfnodeEditor.cpp \
sfstringEditor.cpp \
sftimeEditor.cpp \
sfint32Editor.cpp \
sfcolorEditor.cpp \
sffloatEditor.cpp \
colCanvas.cpp \
routeBean.cpp \
linkBean.cpp \
worldInfoBean.cpp \
triangleHolder.cpp \
visibilitySensorBean.cpp \
metadataDoubleBean.cpp \
metadataFloatBean.cpp \
metadataIntegerBean.cpp \
metadataSetBean.cpp \
metadataStringBean.cpp \
metadataBean.cpp \
transformGroupBean.cpp \
viewPlatformBean.cpp \
d_button.cpp \
vetoPropertyChange.cpp \
constraintBean.cpp \
touchSensorBean.cpp \
timeSensorBean.cpp \
textureTransformBean.cpp \
textureCoordinateBean.cpp \
pixelTextureBean.cpp \
materialBean.cpp \
textureBean.cpp \
textureAttributesBean.cpp \
fontStyleBean.cpp \
textBean.cpp \
protoBean.cpp \
externProtoBean.cpp \
lightBean.cpp \
pointLightBean.cpp \
texCoordGenerationBean.cpp \
switchBean.cpp \
spotLightBean.cpp \
sphereSensorBean.cpp \
sphereBean.cpp \
soundscapeBean.cpp \
audioClipBean.cpp \
soundBean.cpp \
sharedGroupBean.cpp \
shape3dBean.cpp \
scriptBean.cpp \
scoreBean.cpp \
scalarInterpolatorBean.cpp \
renderingAttributesBean.cpp \
rasterBean.cpp \
proximitySensorBean.cpp \
positionInterpolatorBean.cpp \
polygonAttributesBean.cpp \
pointSetBean.cpp \
pointAttributesBean.cpp \
planeSensorBean.cpp \
particleBean.cpp \
particleArrayBean.cpp \
orientationInterpolatorBean.cpp \
orderedGroupBean.cpp \
normalInterpolatorBean.cpp \
normalBean.cpp \
navigationInfoBean.cpp \
controlPointBean.cpp \
multipleBean.cpp \
movieTextureBean.cpp \
morphBean.cpp \
behaviorBean.cpp \
mjbModel.cpp \
lodBean.cpp \
loadTimeScriptBean.cpp \
checkOptionsDialog.cpp \
kinematicsBean.cpp \
inlineBean.cpp \
indexedLineSetBean.cpp \
imageTextureBean.cpp \
coordinateBean.cpp \
colorBean.cpp \
ifsBean.cpp \
fogBean.cpp \
blobBean.cpp \
geometryBean.cpp \
extrusionBean.cpp \
elivationGridBean.cpp \
dynamicsBean.cpp \
directionalLightBean.cpp \
decalGroupBean.cpp \
d_checkbox.cpp \
d_simplify.cpp \
cylinderSensorBean.cpp \
cylinderBean.cpp \
coordinateInterpolatorBean.cpp \
coneBean.cpp \
commentBean.cpp \
coloringAttributesBean.cpp \
colorInterpolatorBean.cpp \
collisionDetectBean.cpp \
collisionActionBean.cpp \
collisionBean.cpp \
clipBean.cpp \
boxBean.cpp \
billboardBean.cpp \
behaviorCollision.cpp \
backgroundBean.cpp \
appearanceBean.cpp \
lineAttributesBean.cpp \
errorBean.cpp \
anchorBean.cpp \
ambientLightBean.cpp \
BoundsEditor.cpp \
OBJECTS = objs/properties.o \
objs/sfparam.o \
objs/nodeBean.o \
objs/mfparam.o \
objs/sfbool.o \
objs/sfboolEditor.o \
objs/protoInstanceBean.o \
objs/routeEvent.o \
objs/sfvec3f.o \
objs/sfvec3fEditor.o \
objs/mfvec3f.o \
objs/mfvec2f.o \
objs/sfvec2f.o \
objs/sfrotation.o \
objs/sfrotationEditor.o \
objs/sftransform.o \
objs/mfpropertyMap.o \
objs/sfpropertyMap.o \
objs/sftime.o \
objs/mfrotation.o \
objs/sfmulti3d.o \
objs/sfint32.o \
objs/mfint32.o \
objs/sfnode.o \
objs/mfnode.o \
objs/routePropertyChange.o \
objs/sfstring.o \
objs/mfstring.o \
objs/sceneBean.o \
objs/groupBean.o \
objs/sfcolor.o \
objs/sffloat.o \
objs/sfimage.o \
objs/sfimageEditor.o \
objs/mffloat.o \
objs/mfcolor.o \
objs/sfedge.o \
objs/mfedge.o \
objs/baseEditor.o \
objs/d_editProperty.o \
objs/arrayEditor.o \
objs/d_editTable.o \
objs/sfvec2fEditor.o \
objs/sftransformEditor.o \
objs/sfnodeEditor.o \
objs/sfstringEditor.o \
objs/sftimeEditor.o \
objs/sfint32Editor.o \
objs/sfcolorEditor.o \
objs/sffloatEditor.o \
objs/colCanvas.o \
objs/routeBean.o \
objs/linkBean.o \
objs/worldInfoBean.o \
objs/triangleHolder.o \
objs/visibilitySensorBean.o \
objs/metadataDoubleBean.o \
objs/metadataFloatBean.o \
objs/metadataIntegerBean.o \
objs/metadataSetBean.o \
objs/metadataStringBean.o \
objs/metadataBean.o \
objs/transformGroupBean.o \
objs/viewPlatformBean.o \
objs/d_button.o \
objs/vetoPropertyChange.o \
objs/constraintBean.o \
objs/touchSensorBean.o \
objs/timeSensorBean.o \
objs/textureTransformBean.o \
objs/textureCoordinateBean.o \
objs/pixelTextureBean.o \
objs/materialBean.o \
objs/textureBean.o \
objs/textureAttributesBean.o \
objs/fontStyleBean.o \
objs/textBean.o \
objs/protoBean.o \
objs/externProtoBean.o \
objs/lightBean.o \
objs/pointLightBean.o \
objs/texCoordGenerationBean.o \
objs/switchBean.o \
objs/spotLightBean.o \
objs/sphereSensorBean.o \
objs/sphereBean.o \
objs/soundscapeBean.o \
objs/audioClipBean.o \
objs/soundBean.o \
objs/sharedGroupBean.o \
objs/shape3dBean.o \
objs/scriptBean.o \
objs/scoreBean.o \
objs/scalarInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/renderingAttributesBean.o \
objs/rasterBean.o \
objs/proximitySensorBean.o \
objs/positionInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/polygonAttributesBean.o \
objs/pointSetBean.o \
objs/pointAttributesBean.o \
objs/planeSensorBean.o \
objs/particleBean.o \
objs/particleArrayBean.o \
objs/orientationInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/orderedGroupBean.o \
objs/normalInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/normalBean.o \
objs/navigationInfoBean.o \
objs/controlPointBean.o \
objs/multipleBean.o \
objs/movieTextureBean.o \
objs/morphBean.o \
objs/behaviorBean.o \
objs/mjbModel.o \
objs/lodBean.o \
objs/loadTimeScriptBean.o \
objs/checkOptionsDialog.o \
objs/kinematicsBean.o \
objs/inlineBean.o \
objs/indexedLineSetBean.o \
objs/imageTextureBean.o \
objs/coordinateBean.o \
objs/colorBean.o \
objs/ifsBean.o \
objs/fogBean.o \
objs/blobBean.o \
objs/geometryBean.o \
objs/extrusionBean.o \
objs/elivationGridBean.o \
objs/dynamicsBean.o \
objs/directionalLightBean.o \
objs/decalGroupBean.o \
objs/d_checkbox.o \
objs/d_simplify.o \
objs/cylinderSensorBean.o \
objs/cylinderBean.o \
objs/coordinateInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/coneBean.o \
objs/commentBean.o \
objs/coloringAttributesBean.o \
objs/colorInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/collisionDetectBean.o \
objs/collisionActionBean.o \
objs/collisionBean.o \
objs/clipBean.o \
objs/boxBean.o \
objs/billboardBean.o \
objs/behaviorCollision.o \
objs/backgroundBean.o \
objs/appearanceBean.o \
objs/lineAttributesBean.o \
objs/errorBean.o \
objs/anchorBean.o \
objs/ambientLightBean.o \
objs/BoundsEditor.o \
SRCMOC = mocs/moc_baseEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_nodeBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfparam.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfnode.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfnode.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfbool.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfint32.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfint32.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfparam.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfboolEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_protoInstanceBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_sftransform.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfvec3f.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfvec3fEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfvec3f.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfvec2f.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfvec2f.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfrotation.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfrotationEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sftime.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfrotation.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfmulti3d.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfstring.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfstring.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfpropertyMap.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfpropertyMap.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfcolor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sffloat.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfimage.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfimageEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_mffloat.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfcolor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfedge.cpp \
mocs/moc_mfedge.cpp \
mocs/moc_d_editProperty.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfvec2fEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_d_editTable.cpp \
mocs/moc_arrayEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sftransformEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfnodeEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfstringEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sftimeEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfint32Editor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sfcolorEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_sffloatEditor.cpp \
mocs/moc_colCanvas.cpp \
mocs/moc_routeBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_sceneBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_linkBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_groupBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_worldInfoBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_visibilitySensorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_metadataDoubleBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_metadataFloatBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_metadataIntegerBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_metadataSetBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_metadataStringBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_metadataBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_transformGroupBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_viewPlatformBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_d_button.cpp \
mocs/moc_constraintBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_touchSensorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_timeSensorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_textureTransformBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_textureCoordinateBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_pixelTextureBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_materialBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_textureBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_textureAttributesBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_fontStyleBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_textBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_protoBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_externProtoBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_texCoordGenerationBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_lightBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_pointLightBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_switchBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_spotLightBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_sphereSensorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_sphereBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_soundscapeBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_audioClipBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_soundBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_sharedGroupBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_shape3dBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_scriptBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_scoreBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_scalarInterpolatorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_renderingAttributesBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_rasterBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_proximitySensorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_positionInterpolatorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_polygonAttributesBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_pointSetBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_pointAttributesBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_planeSensorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_particleBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_particleArrayBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_orientationInterpolatorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_orderedGroupBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_normalInterpolatorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_normalBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_navigationInfoBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_controlPointBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_multipleBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_movieTextureBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_morphBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_loadTimeScriptBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_behaviorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_mjbModel.cpp \
mocs/moc_lodBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_checkOptionsDialog.cpp \
mocs/moc_kinematicsBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_inlineBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_indexedLineSetBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_imageTextureBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_coordinateBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_colorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_ifsBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_fogBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_blobBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_geometryBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_extrusionBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_elivationGridBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_dynamicsBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_directionalLightBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_decalGroupBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_d_checkbox.cpp \
mocs/moc_d_simplify.cpp \
mocs/moc_cylinderSensorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_cylinderBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_coordinateInterpolatorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_coneBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_commentBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_coloringAttributesBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_colorInterpolatorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_collisionDetectBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_collisionActionBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_collisionBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_clipBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_boxBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_billboardBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_behaviorCollision.cpp \
mocs/moc_backgroundBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_appearanceBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_errorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_lineAttributesBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_anchorBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_ambientLightBean.cpp \
mocs/moc_BoundsEditor.cpp \
OBJMOC = objs/moc_baseEditor.o \
objs/moc_nodeBean.o \
objs/moc_mfparam.o \
objs/moc_sfnode.o \
objs/moc_mfnode.o \
objs/moc_sfbool.o \
objs/moc_sfint32.o \
objs/moc_mfint32.o \
objs/moc_sfparam.o \
objs/moc_sfboolEditor.o \
objs/moc_protoInstanceBean.o \
objs/moc_sftransform.o \
objs/moc_sfvec3f.o \
objs/moc_sfvec3fEditor.o \
objs/moc_mfvec3f.o \
objs/moc_mfvec2f.o \
objs/moc_sfvec2f.o \
objs/moc_sfrotation.o \
objs/moc_sfrotationEditor.o \
objs/moc_sftime.o \
objs/moc_mfrotation.o \
objs/moc_sfmulti3d.o \
objs/moc_sfstring.o \
objs/moc_mfstring.o \
objs/moc_mfpropertyMap.o \
objs/moc_sfpropertyMap.o \
objs/moc_sfcolor.o \
objs/moc_sffloat.o \
objs/moc_sfimage.o \
objs/moc_sfimageEditor.o \
objs/moc_mffloat.o \
objs/moc_mfcolor.o \
objs/moc_sfedge.o \
objs/moc_mfedge.o \
objs/moc_d_editProperty.o \
objs/moc_sfvec2fEditor.o \
objs/moc_d_editTable.o \
objs/moc_arrayEditor.o \
objs/moc_sftransformEditor.o \
objs/moc_sfnodeEditor.o \
objs/moc_sfstringEditor.o \
objs/moc_sftimeEditor.o \
objs/moc_sfint32Editor.o \
objs/moc_sfcolorEditor.o \
objs/moc_sffloatEditor.o \
objs/moc_colCanvas.o \
objs/moc_routeBean.o \
objs/moc_sceneBean.o \
objs/moc_linkBean.o \
objs/moc_groupBean.o \
objs/moc_worldInfoBean.o \
objs/moc_visibilitySensorBean.o \
objs/moc_metadataDoubleBean.o \
objs/moc_metadataFloatBean.o \
objs/moc_metadataIntegerBean.o \
objs/moc_metadataSetBean.o \
objs/moc_metadataStringBean.o \
objs/moc_metadataBean.o \
objs/moc_transformGroupBean.o \
objs/moc_viewPlatformBean.o \
objs/moc_d_button.o \
objs/moc_constraintBean.o \
objs/moc_touchSensorBean.o \
objs/moc_timeSensorBean.o \
objs/moc_textureTransformBean.o \
objs/moc_textureCoordinateBean.o \
objs/moc_pixelTextureBean.o \
objs/moc_materialBean.o \
objs/moc_textureBean.o \
objs/moc_textureAttributesBean.o \
objs/moc_fontStyleBean.o \
objs/moc_textBean.o \
objs/moc_protoBean.o \
objs/moc_externProtoBean.o \
objs/moc_texCoordGenerationBean.o \
objs/moc_lightBean.o \
objs/moc_pointLightBean.o \
objs/moc_switchBean.o \
objs/moc_spotLightBean.o \
objs/moc_sphereSensorBean.o \
objs/moc_sphereBean.o \
objs/moc_soundscapeBean.o \
objs/moc_audioClipBean.o \
objs/moc_soundBean.o \
objs/moc_sharedGroupBean.o \
objs/moc_shape3dBean.o \
objs/moc_scriptBean.o \
objs/moc_scoreBean.o \
objs/moc_scalarInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/moc_renderingAttributesBean.o \
objs/moc_rasterBean.o \
objs/moc_proximitySensorBean.o \
objs/moc_positionInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/moc_polygonAttributesBean.o \
objs/moc_pointSetBean.o \
objs/moc_pointAttributesBean.o \
objs/moc_planeSensorBean.o \
objs/moc_particleBean.o \
objs/moc_particleArrayBean.o \
objs/moc_orientationInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/moc_orderedGroupBean.o \
objs/moc_normalInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/moc_normalBean.o \
objs/moc_navigationInfoBean.o \
objs/moc_controlPointBean.o \
objs/moc_multipleBean.o \
objs/moc_movieTextureBean.o \
objs/moc_morphBean.o \
objs/moc_loadTimeScriptBean.o \
objs/moc_behaviorBean.o \
objs/moc_mjbModel.o \
objs/moc_lodBean.o \
objs/moc_checkOptionsDialog.o \
objs/moc_kinematicsBean.o \
objs/moc_inlineBean.o \
objs/moc_indexedLineSetBean.o \
objs/moc_imageTextureBean.o \
objs/moc_coordinateBean.o \
objs/moc_colorBean.o \
objs/moc_ifsBean.o \
objs/moc_fogBean.o \
objs/moc_blobBean.o \
objs/moc_geometryBean.o \
objs/moc_extrusionBean.o \
objs/moc_elivationGridBean.o \
objs/moc_dynamicsBean.o \
objs/moc_directionalLightBean.o \
objs/moc_decalGroupBean.o \
objs/moc_d_checkbox.o \
objs/moc_d_simplify.o \
objs/moc_cylinderSensorBean.o \
objs/moc_cylinderBean.o \
objs/moc_coordinateInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/moc_coneBean.o \
objs/moc_commentBean.o \
objs/moc_coloringAttributesBean.o \
objs/moc_colorInterpolatorBean.o \
objs/moc_collisionDetectBean.o \
objs/moc_collisionActionBean.o \
objs/moc_collisionBean.o \
objs/moc_clipBean.o \
objs/moc_boxBean.o \
objs/moc_billboardBean.o \
objs/moc_behaviorCollision.o \
objs/moc_backgroundBean.o \
objs/moc_appearanceBean.o \
objs/moc_errorBean.o \
objs/moc_lineAttributesBean.o \
objs/moc_anchorBean.o \
objs/moc_ambientLightBean.o \
objs/moc_BoundsEditor.o \
DIST = mjbModel.pro
DESTDIR = build/
TARGET = libmjbModel.a

first: all
####### Implicit rules

.SUFFIXES: .c .o .cpp .cc .cxx .C

$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<

$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<

$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<

$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<

$(CC) -c -include mjbModel $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<

####### Build rules

all: Makefile build/$(TARGET)

staticlib: build/$(TARGET)

test -d build/ || mkdir -p build/
-$(DEL_FILE) build/$(TARGET)
-$(MOVE) $(TARGET) build/

mocables: $(SRCMOC)
uicables: $(UICDECLS) $(UICIMPLS)

( cd $(QTDIR)/src/moc && $(MAKE) )

Makefile: mjbModel.pro /usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf
$(QMAKE) -o Makefile mjbModel.pro
@$(QMAKE) -o Makefile mjbModel.pro

@mkdir -p objs/mjbModel && $(COPY_FILE) --parents $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(FORMS) $(DIST) objs/mjbModel/ && ( cd `dirname objs/mjbModel` && $(TAR) mjbModel.tar mjbModel && $(GZIP) mjbModel.tar ) && $(MOVE) `dirname objs/mjbModel`/mjbModel.tar.gz . && $(DEL_FILE) -r objs/mjbModel



clean: mocclean
-$(DEL_FILE) mjbModel.gch/c mjbModel.gch/c++
-$(DEL_FILE) *~ core *.core

####### Sub-libraries

distclean: clean
-$(DEL_FILE) build/$(TARGET) $(TARGET)

###### Prefix headers
mjbModel.gch/c: stable.h
test -d mjbModel.gch/ || mkdir -p mjbModel.gch/
$(CC) -x c-header -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) stable.h -o mjbModel.gch/c

mjbModel.gch/c++: stable.h
test -d mjbModel.gch/ || mkdir -p mjbModel.gch/
$(CXX) -x c++-header -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) stable.h -o mjbModel.gch/c++


####### Compile

objs/properties.o: properties.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/properties.o properties.cpp

objs/sfparam.o: sfparam.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfparam.h \
sfbool.h \
sfboolEditor.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfrotationEditor.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfnode.h \
mfnode.h \
protoInstanceBean.h \
mfparam.h \
routePropertyChange.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
mfint32.h \
sfcolor.h \
sffloat.h \
sfimage.h \
sfint32.h \
sfstring.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sftime.h \
mfcolor.h \
sfedge.h \
mfedge.h \
mffloat.h \
mfstring.h \
mfvec2f.h \
mfvec3f.h \
mfrotation.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfparam.o sfparam.cpp

objs/nodeBean.o: nodeBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
nodeBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
routePropertyChange.h \
routeEvent.h \
mfstring.h \
mfvec2f.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfint32.h \
sftransform.h \
routeBean.h \
errorBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
linkBean.h \
sfnode.h \
mfnode.h \
groupBean.h \
protoBean.h \
externProtoBean.h \
mfpropertyMap.h \
protoInstanceBean.h \
commentBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/nodeBean.o nodeBean.cpp

objs/mfparam.o: mfparam.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
nodeBean.h \
mfpropertyMap.h \
sfnode.h \
mfnode.h \
routePropertyChange.h \
mfint32.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfparam.o mfparam.cpp

objs/sfbool.o: sfbool.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfbool.h \
sfboolEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfbool.o sfbool.cpp

objs/sfboolEditor.o: sfboolEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfboolEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfbool.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfboolEditor.o sfboolEditor.cpp

objs/protoInstanceBean.o: protoInstanceBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
protoInstanceBean.h \
mfint32.h \
sfstring.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
protoBean.h \
routeEvent.h \
externProtoBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
routePropertyChange.h \
sfnode.h \
mfnode.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/protoInstanceBean.o protoInstanceBean.cpp

objs/routeEvent.o: routeEvent.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
routeEvent.h \
mfint32.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/routeEvent.o routeEvent.cpp

objs/sfvec3f.o: sfvec3f.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
coordinateBean.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfparam.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfvec3f.o sfvec3f.cpp

objs/sfvec3fEditor.o: sfvec3fEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
property.h \
sfparam.h \
sfvec3f.h \
nodeBean.h \
mfint32.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfvec3fEditor.o sfvec3fEditor.cpp

objs/mfvec3f.o: mfvec3f.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfvec3f.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sftransform.h \
di_progress.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sfrotation.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfvec3f.o mfvec3f.cpp

objs/mfvec2f.o: mfvec2f.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfvec2f.h \
sfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sfvec2f.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfvec2f.o mfvec2f.cpp

objs/sfvec2f.o: sfvec2f.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfvec2f.h \
sfparam.h \
sfvec2fEditor.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfvec2f.o sfvec2f.cpp

objs/sfrotation.o: sfrotation.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfparam.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfrotationEditor.h \
property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfrotation.o sfrotation.cpp

objs/sfrotationEditor.o: sfrotationEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfrotationEditor.h \
sfrotation.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfrotationEditor.o sfrotationEditor.cpp

objs/sftransform.o: sftransform.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sftransform.h \
sftransformEditor.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfrotation.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sftransform.o sftransform.cpp

objs/mfpropertyMap.o: mfpropertyMap.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfpropertyMap.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfpropertyMap.h \
noBean.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfpropertyMap.o mfpropertyMap.cpp

objs/sfpropertyMap.o: sfpropertyMap.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfpropertyMap.h \
nodeBean.h \
arrayEditor.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfpropertyMap.o sfpropertyMap.cpp

objs/sftime.o: sftime.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sftime.h \
sfparam.h \
sftimeEditor.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sftime.o sftime.cpp

objs/mfrotation.o: mfrotation.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfrotation.h \
mfrotation.h \
sfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfrotation.o mfrotation.cpp

objs/sfmulti3d.o: sfmulti3d.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfmulti3d.h \
sfint32Editor.h \
property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfmulti3d.o sfmulti3d.cpp

objs/sfint32.o: sfint32.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfint32.h \
sfparam.h \
sfint32Editor.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfint32.o sfint32.cpp

objs/mfint32.o: mfint32.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfint32.h \
sfint32.h \
sfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfint32.o mfint32.cpp

objs/sfnode.o: sfnode.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfnode.h \
sfnodeEditor.h \
nodeBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfparam.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfnode.o sfnode.cpp

objs/mfnode.o: mfnode.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfnode.h \
mfint32.h \
sfnode.h \
sfstring.h \
arrayEditor.h \
protoInstanceBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfparam.h \
groupBean.h \
mfparam.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
routeBean.h \
protoBean.h \
loadTimeScriptBean.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfnode.o mfnode.cpp

objs/routePropertyChange.o: routePropertyChange.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
routePropertyChange.h \
nodeBean.h \
routeBean.h \
sfstring.h \
routeEvent.h \
sfnode.h \
mfint32.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/routePropertyChange.o routePropertyChange.cpp

objs/sfstring.o: sfstring.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfstring.h \
sfparam.h \
sfstringEditor.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfstring.o sfstring.cpp

objs/mfstring.o: mfstring.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfstring.h \
sfstring.h \
sfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfstring.o mfstring.cpp

objs/sceneBean.o: sceneBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sceneBean.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
pointLightBean.h \
sfbool.h \
sfcolor.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfvec3f.h \
behaviorBean.h \
viewPlatformBean.h \
routePropertyChange.h \
sffloat.h \
modelEvent.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
groupBean.h \
lightBean.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sceneBean.o sceneBean.cpp

objs/groupBean.o: groupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
groupBean.h \
mfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
mfnode.h \
d_button.h \
viewPlatformBean.h \
shape3dBean.h \
sfvec3f.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
ambientLightBean.h \
directionalLightBean.h \
pointLightBean.h \
spotLightBean.h \
orderedGroupBean.h \
decalGroupBean.h \
sharedGroupBean.h \
switchBean.h \
backgroundBean.h \
behaviorBean.h \
clipBean.h \
fogBean.h \
linkBean.h \
morphBean.h \
soundBean.h \
soundscapeBean.h \
multipleBean.h \
dynamicsBean.h \
kinematicsBean.h \
constraintBean.h \
collisionDetectBean.h \
collisionActionBean.h \
scoreBean.h \
particleArrayBean.h \
anchorBean.h \
collisionBean.h \
colorInterpolatorBean.h \
coordinateInterpolatorBean.h \
cylinderSensorBean.h \
externProtoBean.h \
inlineBean.h \
navigationInfoBean.h \
normalInterpolatorBean.h \
orientationInterpolatorBean.h \
planeSensorBean.h \
pointSetBean.h \
positionInterpolatorBean.h \
proximitySensorBean.h \
scalarInterpolatorBean.h \
scriptBean.h \
sphereSensorBean.h \
timeSensorBean.h \
touchSensorBean.h \
visibilitySensorBean.h \
worldInfoBean.h \
routeBean.h \
protoInstanceBean.h \
loadTimeScriptBean.h \
commentBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
baseEditor.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfparam.h \
lightBean.h \
textBean.h \
geometryBean.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/groupBean.o groupBean.cpp

objs/sfcolor.o: sfcolor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfparam.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfcolorEditor.h \
property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfcolor.o sfcolor.cpp

objs/sffloat.o: sffloat.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sffloat.h \
sffloatEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sffloat.o sffloat.cpp

objs/sfimage.o: sfimage.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfimage.h \
sfimageEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
property.h \
filter.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfimage.o sfimage.cpp

objs/sfimageEditor.o: sfimageEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfimageEditor.h \
sfimage.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfparam.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfimageEditor.o sfimageEditor.cpp

objs/mffloat.o: mffloat.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mffloat.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mffloat.o mffloat.cpp

objs/mfcolor.o: mfcolor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfcolor.h \
sfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sfcolor.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
sffactory.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfcolor.o mfcolor.cpp

objs/sfedge.o: sfedge.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfparam.h \
sfedge.h \
sfvec3f.h \
property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfedge.o sfedge.cpp

objs/mfedge.o: mfedge.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfparam.h \
mffloat.h \
sfint32.h \
mfedge.h \
sfedge.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sffloat.h \
property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mfedge.o mfedge.cpp

objs/baseEditor.o: baseEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
baseEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
d_editProperty.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/baseEditor.o baseEditor.cpp

objs/d_editProperty.o: d_editProperty.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
d_editProperty.h \
baseEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/d_editProperty.o d_editProperty.cpp

objs/arrayEditor.o: arrayEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
arrayEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
d_editTable.h \
nodeBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
baseEditor.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/arrayEditor.o arrayEditor.cpp

objs/d_editTable.o: d_editTable.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
d_editTable.h \
arrayEditor.h \
baseEditor.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/d_editTable.o d_editTable.cpp

objs/sfvec2fEditor.o: sfvec2fEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfvec2fEditor.h \
sfvec2f.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfvec2fEditor.o sfvec2fEditor.cpp

objs/sftransformEditor.o: sftransformEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sftransformEditor.h \
sftransform.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sftransformEditor.o sftransformEditor.cpp

objs/sfnodeEditor.o: sfnodeEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfnodeEditor.h \
sfnode.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
sceneBean.h \
mfint32.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfnodeEditor.o sfnodeEditor.cpp

objs/sfstringEditor.o: sfstringEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfstringEditor.h \
sfstring.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfstringEditor.o sfstringEditor.cpp

objs/sftimeEditor.o: sftimeEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sftimeEditor.h \
sftime.h \
sfstring.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
mfint32.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sftimeEditor.o sftimeEditor.cpp

objs/sfint32Editor.o: sfint32Editor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfint32Editor.h \
sfint32.h \
sffloat.h \
sfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfint32Editor.o sfint32Editor.cpp

objs/sfcolorEditor.o: sfcolorEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sfcolorEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
colCanvas.h \
sfcolor.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sfcolorEditor.o sfcolorEditor.cpp

objs/sffloatEditor.o: sffloatEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sffloatEditor.h \
sffloat.h \
mfint32.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sffloatEditor.o sffloatEditor.cpp

objs/colCanvas.o: colCanvas.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
colCanvas.h \
sfcolorEditor.h \
sfcolor.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/colCanvas.o colCanvas.cpp

objs/routeBean.o: routeBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
routeBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sffactory.h \
sfnodeEditor.h \
sfnode.h \
sfstring.h \
sfstringEditor.h \
groupBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfparam.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/routeBean.o routeBean.cpp

objs/linkBean.o: linkBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
linkBean.h \
sfnode.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/linkBean.o linkBean.cpp

objs/worldInfoBean.o: worldInfoBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
worldInfoBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
sfstringEditor.h \
mfstring.h \
sfstring.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/worldInfoBean.o worldInfoBean.cpp

objs/triangleHolder.o: triangleHolder.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
triangleHolder.h \
mfvec3f.h \
mfvec2f.h \
mfint32.h \
mfcolor.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfvec3f.h \
di_progress.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfparam.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/triangleHolder.o triangleHolder.cpp

objs/visibilitySensorBean.o: visibilitySensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
visibilitySensorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfbool.h \
sftime.h \
sffactory.h \
sfboolEditor.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
sftimeEditor.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfparam.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/visibilitySensorBean.o visibilitySensorBean.cpp

objs/metadataDoubleBean.o: metadataDoubleBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
metadataDoubleBean.h \
sffactory.h \
arrayEditor.h \
mffloat.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/metadataDoubleBean.o metadataDoubleBean.cpp

objs/metadataFloatBean.o: metadataFloatBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
metadataFloatBean.h \
arrayEditor.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mffloat.h \
metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/metadataFloatBean.o metadataFloatBean.cpp

objs/metadataIntegerBean.o: metadataIntegerBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
metadataIntegerBean.h \
arrayEditor.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/metadataIntegerBean.o metadataIntegerBean.cpp

objs/metadataSetBean.o: metadataSetBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
metadataSetBean.h \
sfnodeEditor.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfnode.h \
metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/metadataSetBean.o metadataSetBean.cpp

objs/metadataStringBean.o: metadataStringBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
metadataStringBean.h \
arrayEditor.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mffloat.h \
metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/metadataStringBean.o metadataStringBean.cpp

objs/metadataBean.o: metadataBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
metadataBean.h \
sfstring.h \
sfnode.h \
sfparam.h \
metadataDoubleBean.h \
metadataFloatBean.h \
metadataIntegerBean.h \
metadataSetBean.h \
metadataStringBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfnodeEditor.h \
sfstringEditor.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/metadataBean.o metadataBean.cpp

objs/transformGroupBean.o: transformGroupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
transformGroupBean.h \
vetoPropertyChange.h \
d_button.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfint32.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfrotation.h \
mfparam.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
sfrotationEditor.h \
sftransform.h \
sceneBean.h \
sftransformEditor.h \
behaviorBean.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
sfparam.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/transformGroupBean.o transformGroupBean.cpp

objs/viewPlatformBean.o: viewPlatformBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
viewPlatformBean.h \
mfint32.h \
sfstring.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfbool.h \
sffloat.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfboolEditor.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
sfstringEditor.h \
sfnodeEditor.h \
sfrotationEditor.h \
sffloatEditor.h \
metadataBean.h \
sftimeEditor.h \
sftime.h \
sftransform.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfnode.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/viewPlatformBean.o viewPlatformBean.cpp

objs/d_button.o: d_button.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
d_button.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/d_button.o d_button.cpp

objs/vetoPropertyChange.o: vetoPropertyChange.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
vetoPropertyChange.h \
nodeBean.h \
constraintBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/vetoPropertyChange.o vetoPropertyChange.cpp

objs/constraintBean.o: constraintBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
constraintBean.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfrotation.h \
mfparam.h \
sfstringEditor.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
sfboolEditor.h \
sfrotationEditor.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
sfstring.h \
sfbool.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
sfparam.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/constraintBean.o constraintBean.cpp

objs/touchSensorBean.o: touchSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
touchSensorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfstringEditor.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
sfnodeEditor.h \
sfvec2fEditor.h \
sfboolEditor.h \
metadataBean.h \
sftimeEditor.h \
sftime.h \
sceneBean.h \
routeBean.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfnode.h \
sfbool.h \
sfstring.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
baseEditor.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/touchSensorBean.o touchSensorBean.cpp

objs/timeSensorBean.o: timeSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
timeSensorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
sffloatEditor.h \
sffloat.h \
sftimeEditor.h \
sfboolEditor.h \
sftime.h \
sfparam.h \
sfbool.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/timeSensorBean.o timeSensorBean.cpp

objs/textureTransformBean.o: textureTransformBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
textureTransformBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sfvec2fEditor.h \
sffloat.h \
sffloatEditor.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/textureTransformBean.o textureTransformBean.cpp

objs/textureCoordinateBean.o: textureCoordinateBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
textureCoordinateBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
arrayEditor.h \
mfvec2f.h \
routeEvent.h \
shape3dBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
sfvec2f.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
baseEditor.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/textureCoordinateBean.o textureCoordinateBean.cpp

objs/pixelTextureBean.o: pixelTextureBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
pixelTextureBean.h \
sfbool.h \
sfimage.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
textureBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/pixelTextureBean.o pixelTextureBean.cpp

objs/materialBean.o: materialBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
materialBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfbool.h \
sffloat.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/materialBean.o materialBean.cpp

objs/textureBean.o: textureBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
textureBean.h \
pixelTextureBean.h \
appearanceBean.h \
mfstring.h \
sfimage.h \
sfcolor.h \
d_button.h \
mfparam.h \
sfbool.h \
mfint32.h \
sfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/textureBean.o textureBean.cpp

objs/textureAttributesBean.o: textureAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
textureAttributesBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfint32.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/textureAttributesBean.o textureAttributesBean.cpp

objs/fontStyleBean.o: fontStyleBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
fontStyleBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfbool.h \
sfstring.h \
sffloat.h \
mfstring.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/fontStyleBean.o fontStyleBean.cpp

objs/textBean.o: textBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
textBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mffloat.h \
sfnode.h \
mfint32.h \
mfstring.h \
fontStyleBean.h \
sffloat.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/textBean.o textBean.cpp

objs/protoBean.o: protoBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
protoBean.h \
sfint32.h \
mfint32.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mfnode.h \
groupBean.h \
sfstring.h \
sfpropertyMap.h \
mfpropertyMap.h \
protoInstanceBean.h \
routeEvent.h \
sceneBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/protoBean.o protoBean.cpp

objs/externProtoBean.o: externProtoBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
externProtoBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mfnode.h \
routeEvent.h \
mfpropertyMap.h \
sfstring.h \
protoBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/externProtoBean.o externProtoBean.cpp

objs/lightBean.o: lightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
lightBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
sfbool.h \
sfcolor.h \
sffloat.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/lightBean.o lightBean.cpp

objs/pointLightBean.o: pointLightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
pointLightBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sceneBean.h \
sffloat.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfbool.h \
lightBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/pointLightBean.o pointLightBean.cpp

objs/texCoordGenerationBean.o: texCoordGenerationBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
texCoordGenerationBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/texCoordGenerationBean.o texCoordGenerationBean.cpp

objs/switchBean.o: switchBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
switchBean.h \
sfint32.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mfnode.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/switchBean.o switchBean.cpp

objs/spotLightBean.o: spotLightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
spotLightBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sffloat.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfbool.h \
pointLightBean.h \
lightBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/spotLightBean.o spotLightBean.cpp

objs/sphereSensorBean.o: sphereSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sphereSensorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfstring.h \
routeEvent.h \
routeBean.h \
sfbool.h \
sfrotation.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sphereSensorBean.o sphereSensorBean.cpp

objs/sphereBean.o: sphereBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sphereBean.h \
sffloat.h \
sfint32.h \
mfint32.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfparam.h \
sftransform.h \
sfnode.h \
triangleHolder.h \
mfvec3f.h \
mfvec2f.h \
sfvec2f.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sphereBean.o sphereBean.cpp

objs/soundscapeBean.o: soundscapeBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
soundscapeBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/soundscapeBean.o soundscapeBean.cpp

objs/audioClipBean.o: audioClipBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
audioClipBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfstring.h \
sfbool.h \
sftime.h \
sffloat.h \
mfstring.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/audioClipBean.o audioClipBean.cpp

objs/soundBean.o: soundBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
soundBean.h \
audioClipBean.h \
sfnode.h \
mfparam.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sffloat.h \
sfbool.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/soundBean.o soundBean.cpp

objs/sharedGroupBean.o: sharedGroupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
sharedGroupBean.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/sharedGroupBean.o sharedGroupBean.cpp

objs/shape3dBean.o: shape3dBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
shape3dBean.h \
appearanceBean.h \
geometryBean.h \
d_button.h \
sfnode.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
boxBean.h \
coneBean.h \
cylinderBean.h \
extrusionBean.h \
ifsBean.h \
sphereBean.h \
textBean.h \
rasterBean.h \
elivationGridBean.h \
indexedLineSetBean.h \
blobBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/shape3dBean.o shape3dBean.cpp

objs/scriptBean.o: scriptBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
scriptBean.h \
sfparam.h \
mfparam.h \
d_button.h \
mfstring.h \
sfbool.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/scriptBean.o scriptBean.cpp

objs/scoreBean.o: scoreBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
scoreBean.h \
geometryBean.h \
appearanceBean.h \
mfint32.h \
mfstring.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfint32.h \
textBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/scoreBean.o scoreBean.cpp

objs/scalarInterpolatorBean.o: scalarInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
scalarInterpolatorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
mffloat.h \
sceneBean.h \
routeBean.h \
sfstring.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/scalarInterpolatorBean.o scalarInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/renderingAttributesBean.o: renderingAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
renderingAttributesBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfbool.h \
sffloat.h \
sfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/renderingAttributesBean.o renderingAttributesBean.cpp

objs/rasterBean.o: rasterBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
rasterBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfimage.h \
sfint32.h \
mffloat.h \
sfvec3f.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/rasterBean.o rasterBean.cpp

objs/proximitySensorBean.o: proximitySensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
proximitySensorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfrotation.h \
sftime.h \
sfbool.h \
sfvec3f.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/proximitySensorBean.o proximitySensorBean.cpp

objs/positionInterpolatorBean.o: positionInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
positionInterpolatorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
routeBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfstring.h \
mffloat.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sffloat.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/positionInterpolatorBean.o positionInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/polygonAttributesBean.o: polygonAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
polygonAttributesBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfbool.h \
sffloat.h \
sfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/polygonAttributesBean.o polygonAttributesBean.cpp

objs/pointSetBean.o: pointSetBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
pointSetBean.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/pointSetBean.o pointSetBean.cpp

objs/pointAttributesBean.o: pointAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
pointAttributesBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
sfbool.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/pointAttributesBean.o pointAttributesBean.cpp

objs/planeSensorBean.o: planeSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
planeSensorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
routeBean.h \
sfstring.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfbool.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec2f.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/planeSensorBean.o planeSensorBean.cpp

objs/particleBean.o: particleBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
particleBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfcolor.h \
sffloat.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/particleBean.o particleBean.cpp

objs/particleArrayBean.o: particleArrayBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
particleArrayBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sceneBean.h \
particleBean.h \
sfbool.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfint32.h \
RandomGen.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sffloat.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/particleArrayBean.o particleArrayBean.cpp

objs/orientationInterpolatorBean.o: orientationInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
orientationInterpolatorBean.h \
sfrotation.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
mfint32.h \
sceneBean.h \
routeBean.h \
sfstring.h \
mffloat.h \
mfrotation.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/orientationInterpolatorBean.o orientationInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/orderedGroupBean.o: orderedGroupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
orderedGroupBean.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/orderedGroupBean.o orderedGroupBean.cpp

objs/normalInterpolatorBean.o: normalInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
normalInterpolatorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
sfvec3f.h \
routeBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfstring.h \
mffloat.h \
mfvec3f.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/normalInterpolatorBean.o normalInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/normalBean.o: normalBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
normalBean.h \
routeEvent.h \
mfparam.h \
sceneBean.h \
shape3dBean.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfparam.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sftransform.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
groupBean.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/normalBean.o normalBean.cpp

objs/navigationInfoBean.o: navigationInfoBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
navigationInfoBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
mffloat.h \
sfbool.h \
sffloat.h \
mfstring.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/navigationInfoBean.o navigationInfoBean.cpp

objs/controlPointBean.o: controlPointBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
controlPointBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sfnode.h \
sffloat.h \
behaviorBean.h \
sftransform.h \
sfimage.h \
sfvec3f.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/controlPointBean.o controlPointBean.cpp

objs/multipleBean.o: multipleBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
multipleBean.h \
mfparam.h \
mfint32.h \
sfvec3f.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
sfstring.h \
sfint32.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/multipleBean.o multipleBean.cpp

objs/movieTextureBean.o: movieTextureBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
movieTextureBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfimage.h \
mfstring.h \
sfbool.h \
sfint32.h \
sfcolor.h \
textureBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/movieTextureBean.o movieTextureBean.cpp

objs/morphBean.o: morphBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
morphBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/morphBean.o morphBean.cpp

objs/behaviorBean.o: behaviorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
behaviorBean.h \
sfrotation.h \
sftransform.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sceneBean.h \
modelEvent.h \
controlPointBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/behaviorBean.o behaviorBean.cpp

objs/mjbModel.o: mjbModel.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mjbModel.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfvec2f.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
behaviorBean.h \
sftransform.h \
sfint32.h \
modelEvent.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/mjbModel.o mjbModel.cpp

objs/lodBean.o: lodBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
lodBean.h \
mfparam.h \
mffloat.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfnode.h \
viewPlatformBean.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/lodBean.o lodBean.cpp

objs/loadTimeScriptBean.o: loadTimeScriptBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
loadTimeScriptBean.h \
checkOptionsDialog.h \
mfparam.h \
mfstring.h \
sfparam.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/loadTimeScriptBean.o loadTimeScriptBean.cpp

objs/checkOptionsDialog.o: checkOptionsDialog.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
checkOptionsDialog.h \
mfstring.h \
sfstring.h \
loadTimeScriptBean.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/checkOptionsDialog.o checkOptionsDialog.cpp

objs/kinematicsBean.o: kinematicsBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
kinematicsBean.h \
mfparam.h \
constraintBean.h \
multipleBean.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sfbool.h \
mfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
groupBean.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/kinematicsBean.o kinematicsBean.cpp

objs/inlineBean.o: inlineBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
inlineBean.h \
mfparam.h \
mfstring.h \
sfvec3f.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/inlineBean.o inlineBean.cpp

objs/indexedLineSetBean.o: indexedLineSetBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
indexedLineSetBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfbool.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/indexedLineSetBean.o indexedLineSetBean.cpp

objs/imageTextureBean.o: imageTextureBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
imageTextureBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfimage.h \
mfstring.h \
sfbool.h \
textureBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/imageTextureBean.o imageTextureBean.cpp

objs/coordinateBean.o: coordinateBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
coordinateBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sftransform.h \
sfvec3f.h \
geometryBean.h \
shape3dBean.h \
behaviorBean.h \
d_button.h \
sceneBean.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
mfvec3f.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/coordinateBean.o coordinateBean.cpp

objs/colorBean.o: colorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
colorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
routeEvent.h \
mfcolor.h \
sfcolor.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/colorBean.o colorBean.cpp

objs/ifsBean.o: ifsBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
ifsBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sftransform.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sceneBean.h \
coordinateBean.h \
normalBean.h \
mfvec3f.h \
mfvec2f.h \
sfvec2f.h \
textureCoordinateBean.h \
mfcolor.h \
triangleHolder.h \
colorBean.h \
d_button.h \
shape3dBean.h \
groupBean.h \
sfnode.h \
sfbool.h \
sffloat.h \
mfint32.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/ifsBean.o ifsBean.cpp

objs/fogBean.o: fogBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
fogBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfbool.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfstring.h \
sffloat.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/fogBean.o fogBean.cpp

objs/blobBean.o: blobBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfint32.h \
blobBean.h \
mfparam.h \
routeEvent.h \
sceneBean.h \
mfedge.h \
sfedge.h \
sfvec3f.h \
behaviorBean.h \
sffloat.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
ifsBean.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/blobBean.o blobBean.cpp

objs/geometryBean.o: geometryBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
geometryBean.h \
mfparam.h \
coordinateBean.h \
d_button.h \
colorBean.h \
normalBean.h \
textureCoordinateBean.h \
sfnode.h \
behaviorBean.h \
sffloat.h \
shape3dBean.h \
ifsBean.h \
triangleHolder.h \
mfedge.h \
sfedge.h \
blobBean.h \
mfcolor.h \
mfint32.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfvec3f.h \
mfvec2f.h \
sfint32.h \
di_progress.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/geometryBean.o geometryBean.cpp

objs/extrusionBean.o: extrusionBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
extrusionBean.h \
mfparam.h \
textBean.h \
rasterBean.h \
mfnode.h \
triangleHolder.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfbool.h \
mfrotation.h \
sffloat.h \
sftransform.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfvec2f.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sfparam.h \
di_progress.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/extrusionBean.o extrusionBean.cpp

objs/elivationGridBean.o: elivationGridBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
mfint32.h \
elivationGridBean.h \
sfparam.h \
mfparam.h \
triangleHolder.h \
mfvec3f.h \
mfvec2f.h \
mffloat.h \
sfbool.h \
sfint32.h \
sffloat.h \
di_progress.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/elivationGridBean.o elivationGridBean.cpp

objs/dynamicsBean.o: dynamicsBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
dynamicsBean.h \
sfint32.h \
sffloat.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfparam.h \
kinematicsBean.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
sfstring.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfparam.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/dynamicsBean.o dynamicsBean.cpp

objs/directionalLightBean.o: directionalLightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
directionalLightBean.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfparam.h \
sceneBean.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfbool.h \
lightBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfparam.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/directionalLightBean.o directionalLightBean.cpp

objs/decalGroupBean.o: decalGroupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
decalGroupBean.h \
orderedGroupBean.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/decalGroupBean.o decalGroupBean.cpp

objs/d_checkbox.o: d_checkbox.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
d_checkbox.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/d_checkbox.o d_checkbox.cpp

objs/d_simplify.o: d_simplify.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
d_simplify.h \
di_progress.h \
modelEvent.h \
sfint32.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/d_simplify.o d_simplify.cpp

objs/cylinderSensorBean.o: cylinderSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
cylinderSensorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfrotation.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfstring.h \
routeBean.h \
sceneBean.h \
sffloat.h \
sfbool.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/cylinderSensorBean.o cylinderSensorBean.cpp

objs/cylinderBean.o: cylinderBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
cylinderBean.h \
triangleHolder.h \
mfparam.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sfvec3f.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sftransform.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfbool.h \
sffloat.h \
geometryBean.h \
di_progress.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/cylinderBean.o cylinderBean.cpp

objs/coordinateInterpolatorBean.o: coordinateInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
coordinateInterpolatorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfstring.h \
routeBean.h \
mffloat.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sffloat.h \
sfvec3f.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/coordinateInterpolatorBean.o coordinateInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/coneBean.o: coneBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
coneBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sftransform.h \
triangleHolder.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec2f.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfbool.h \
sffloat.h \
geometryBean.h \
di_progress.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/coneBean.o coneBean.cpp

objs/commentBean.o: commentBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
commentBean.h \
mfparam.h \
mfstring.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/commentBean.o commentBean.cpp

objs/coloringAttributesBean.o: coloringAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
coloringAttributesBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/coloringAttributesBean.o coloringAttributesBean.cpp

objs/colorInterpolatorBean.o: colorInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
colorInterpolatorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
sfcolor.h \
sceneBean.h \
routeBean.h \
sfstring.h \
mffloat.h \
mfcolor.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/colorInterpolatorBean.o colorInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/collisionDetectBean.o: collisionDetectBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
collisionDetectBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
collisionActionBean.h \
sfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/collisionDetectBean.o collisionDetectBean.cpp

objs/collisionActionBean.o: collisionActionBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
collisionActionBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
transformGroupBean.h \
sfnode.h \
kinematicsBean.h \
multipleBean.h \
collisionDetectBean.h \
routeEvent.h \
sceneBean.h \
routeBean.h \
sfstring.h \
mfstring.h \
sfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/collisionActionBean.o collisionActionBean.cpp

objs/collisionBean.o: collisionBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
collisionBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
metadataBean.h \
sftime.h \
sfbool.h \
sfnode.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/collisionBean.o collisionBean.cpp

objs/clipBean.o: clipBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
clipBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/clipBean.o clipBean.cpp

objs/boxBean.o: boxBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
boxBean.h \
mfparam.h \
di_progress.h \
sftransform.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec2f.h \
sceneBean.h \
triangleHolder.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfnode.h \
sffloat.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/boxBean.o boxBean.cpp

objs/billboardBean.o: billboardBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
billboardBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfvec3f.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/billboardBean.o billboardBean.cpp

objs/behaviorCollision.o: behaviorCollision.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
behaviorCollision.h \
collisionDetectBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/behaviorCollision.o behaviorCollision.cpp

objs/backgroundBean.o: backgroundBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
backgroundBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfcolor.h \
sfnode.h \
sfvec3f.h \
geometryBean.h \
mfvec3f.h \
sfimage.h \
mffloat.h \
mfcolor.h \
mfstring.h \
sfbool.h \
mfint32.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/backgroundBean.o backgroundBean.cpp

objs/appearanceBean.o: appearanceBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
appearanceBean.h \
sfnode.h \
imageTextureBean.h \
movieTextureBean.h \
pixelTextureBean.h \
mfparam.h \
textureTransformBean.h \
textureAttributesBean.h \
coloringAttributesBean.h \
renderingAttributesBean.h \
polygonAttributesBean.h \
lineAttributesBean.h \
pointAttributesBean.h \
textureBean.h \
materialBean.h \
d_button.h \
sfparam.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/appearanceBean.o appearanceBean.cpp

objs/lineAttributesBean.o: lineAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
lineAttributesBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sffloat.h \
sfint32.h \
sfbool.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/lineAttributesBean.o lineAttributesBean.cpp

objs/errorBean.o: errorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
errorBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/errorBean.o errorBean.cpp

objs/anchorBean.o: anchorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
anchorBean.h \
mfparam.h \
sfparam.h \
sfstring.h \
mfstring.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/anchorBean.o anchorBean.cpp

objs/ambientLightBean.o: ambientLightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
ambientLightBean.h \
lightBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/ambientLightBean.o ambientLightBean.cpp

objs/BoundsEditor.o: BoundsEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
BoundsEditor.h \
sfparam.h \
sceneBean.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfvec3fEditor.h \
sffloat.h \
mfvec3f.h \
baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
nodeBean.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/BoundsEditor.o BoundsEditor.cpp

objs/noBean.o: noBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ \
noBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/noBean.o noBean.cpp

objs/moc_baseEditor.o: mocs/moc_baseEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ baseEditor.h sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_baseEditor.o mocs/moc_baseEditor.cpp

objs/moc_nodeBean.o: mocs/moc_nodeBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ nodeBean.h filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_nodeBean.o mocs/moc_nodeBean.cpp

objs/moc_mfparam.o: mocs/moc_mfparam.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfparam.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfparam.o mocs/moc_mfparam.cpp

objs/moc_sfnode.o: mocs/moc_sfnode.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfnode.h property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfnode.o mocs/moc_sfnode.cpp

objs/moc_mfnode.o: mocs/moc_mfnode.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfnode.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfnode.o mocs/moc_mfnode.cpp

objs/moc_sfbool.o: mocs/moc_sfbool.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfbool.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfbool.o mocs/moc_sfbool.cpp

objs/moc_sfint32.o: mocs/moc_sfint32.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfint32.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfint32.o mocs/moc_sfint32.cpp

objs/moc_mfint32.o: mocs/moc_mfint32.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfint32.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfint32.o mocs/moc_mfint32.cpp

objs/moc_sfparam.o: mocs/moc_sfparam.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfparam.h property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfparam.o mocs/moc_sfparam.cpp

objs/moc_sfboolEditor.o: mocs/moc_sfboolEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfboolEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfboolEditor.o mocs/moc_sfboolEditor.cpp

objs/moc_protoInstanceBean.o: mocs/moc_protoInstanceBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ protoInstanceBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_protoInstanceBean.o mocs/moc_protoInstanceBean.cpp

objs/moc_sftransform.o: mocs/moc_sftransform.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sftransform.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sftransform.o mocs/moc_sftransform.cpp

objs/moc_sfvec3f.o: mocs/moc_sfvec3f.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfvec3f.h sfrotation.h \
sfparam.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
modelEvent.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfvec3f.o mocs/moc_sfvec3f.cpp

objs/moc_sfvec3fEditor.o: mocs/moc_sfvec3fEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfvec3fEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfvec3fEditor.o mocs/moc_sfvec3fEditor.cpp

objs/moc_mfvec3f.o: mocs/moc_mfvec3f.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfvec3f.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfvec3f.o mocs/moc_mfvec3f.cpp

objs/moc_mfvec2f.o: mocs/moc_mfvec2f.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfvec2f.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfvec2f.o mocs/moc_mfvec2f.cpp

objs/moc_sfvec2f.o: mocs/moc_sfvec2f.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfvec2f.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfvec2f.o mocs/moc_sfvec2f.cpp

objs/moc_sfrotation.o: mocs/moc_sfrotation.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfrotation.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfrotation.o mocs/moc_sfrotation.cpp

objs/moc_sfrotationEditor.o: mocs/moc_sfrotationEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfrotationEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfrotationEditor.o mocs/moc_sfrotationEditor.cpp

objs/moc_sftime.o: mocs/moc_sftime.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sftime.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sftime.o mocs/moc_sftime.cpp

objs/moc_mfrotation.o: mocs/moc_mfrotation.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfrotation.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfrotation.o mocs/moc_mfrotation.cpp

objs/moc_sfmulti3d.o: mocs/moc_sfmulti3d.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfmulti3d.h property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfmulti3d.o mocs/moc_sfmulti3d.cpp

objs/moc_sfstring.o: mocs/moc_sfstring.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfstring.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfstring.o mocs/moc_sfstring.cpp

objs/moc_mfstring.o: mocs/moc_mfstring.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfstring.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfstring.o mocs/moc_mfstring.cpp

objs/moc_mfpropertyMap.o: mocs/moc_mfpropertyMap.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfpropertyMap.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfpropertyMap.o mocs/moc_mfpropertyMap.cpp

objs/moc_sfpropertyMap.o: mocs/moc_sfpropertyMap.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfpropertyMap.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfpropertyMap.o mocs/moc_sfpropertyMap.cpp

objs/moc_sfcolor.o: mocs/moc_sfcolor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfcolor.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfcolor.o mocs/moc_sfcolor.cpp

objs/moc_sffloat.o: mocs/moc_sffloat.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sffloat.h property.h \
sffactory.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sffloat.o mocs/moc_sffloat.cpp

objs/moc_sfimage.o: mocs/moc_sfimage.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfimage.h property.h \
filter.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfimage.o mocs/moc_sfimage.cpp

objs/moc_sfimageEditor.o: mocs/moc_sfimageEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfimageEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfimageEditor.o mocs/moc_sfimageEditor.cpp

objs/moc_mffloat.o: mocs/moc_mffloat.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mffloat.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mffloat.o mocs/moc_mffloat.cpp

objs/moc_mfcolor.o: mocs/moc_mfcolor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfcolor.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfcolor.o mocs/moc_mfcolor.cpp

objs/moc_sfedge.o: mocs/moc_sfedge.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfedge.h property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfedge.o mocs/moc_sfedge.cpp

objs/moc_mfedge.o: mocs/moc_mfedge.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mfedge.h di_tableupdate.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mfedge.o mocs/moc_mfedge.cpp

objs/moc_d_editProperty.o: mocs/moc_d_editProperty.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ d_editProperty.h
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_d_editProperty.o mocs/moc_d_editProperty.cpp

objs/moc_sfvec2fEditor.o: mocs/moc_sfvec2fEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfvec2fEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfvec2fEditor.o mocs/moc_sfvec2fEditor.cpp

objs/moc_d_editTable.o: mocs/moc_d_editTable.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ d_editTable.h arrayEditor.h \
baseEditor.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_d_editTable.o mocs/moc_d_editTable.cpp

objs/moc_arrayEditor.o: mocs/moc_arrayEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ arrayEditor.h baseEditor.h \
di_tableupdate.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_arrayEditor.o mocs/moc_arrayEditor.cpp

objs/moc_sftransformEditor.o: mocs/moc_sftransformEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sftransformEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sftransformEditor.o mocs/moc_sftransformEditor.cpp

objs/moc_sfnodeEditor.o: mocs/moc_sfnodeEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfnodeEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfnodeEditor.o mocs/moc_sfnodeEditor.cpp

objs/moc_sfstringEditor.o: mocs/moc_sfstringEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfstringEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfstringEditor.o mocs/moc_sfstringEditor.cpp

objs/moc_sftimeEditor.o: mocs/moc_sftimeEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sftimeEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sftimeEditor.o mocs/moc_sftimeEditor.cpp

objs/moc_sfint32Editor.o: mocs/moc_sfint32Editor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfint32Editor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfint32Editor.o mocs/moc_sfint32Editor.cpp

objs/moc_sfcolorEditor.o: mocs/moc_sfcolorEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sfcolorEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sfcolorEditor.o mocs/moc_sfcolorEditor.cpp

objs/moc_sffloatEditor.o: mocs/moc_sffloatEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sffloatEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sffloatEditor.o mocs/moc_sffloatEditor.cpp

objs/moc_colCanvas.o: mocs/moc_colCanvas.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ colCanvas.h
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_colCanvas.o mocs/moc_colCanvas.cpp

objs/moc_routeBean.o: mocs/moc_routeBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ routeBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_routeBean.o mocs/moc_routeBean.cpp

objs/moc_sceneBean.o: mocs/moc_sceneBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sceneBean.h modelEvent.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sceneBean.o mocs/moc_sceneBean.cpp

objs/moc_linkBean.o: mocs/moc_linkBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ linkBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_linkBean.o mocs/moc_linkBean.cpp

objs/moc_groupBean.o: mocs/moc_groupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ groupBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_groupBean.o mocs/moc_groupBean.cpp

objs/moc_worldInfoBean.o: mocs/moc_worldInfoBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ worldInfoBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_worldInfoBean.o mocs/moc_worldInfoBean.cpp

objs/moc_visibilitySensorBean.o: mocs/moc_visibilitySensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ visibilitySensorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_visibilitySensorBean.o mocs/moc_visibilitySensorBean.cpp

objs/moc_metadataDoubleBean.o: mocs/moc_metadataDoubleBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ metadataDoubleBean.h metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_metadataDoubleBean.o mocs/moc_metadataDoubleBean.cpp

objs/moc_metadataFloatBean.o: mocs/moc_metadataFloatBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ metadataFloatBean.h metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_metadataFloatBean.o mocs/moc_metadataFloatBean.cpp

objs/moc_metadataIntegerBean.o: mocs/moc_metadataIntegerBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ metadataIntegerBean.h metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_metadataIntegerBean.o mocs/moc_metadataIntegerBean.cpp

objs/moc_metadataSetBean.o: mocs/moc_metadataSetBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ metadataSetBean.h metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_metadataSetBean.o mocs/moc_metadataSetBean.cpp

objs/moc_metadataStringBean.o: mocs/moc_metadataStringBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ metadataStringBean.h metadataBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_metadataStringBean.o mocs/moc_metadataStringBean.cpp

objs/moc_metadataBean.o: mocs/moc_metadataBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ metadataBean.h nodeBean.h \
sffactory.h \
filter.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_metadataBean.o mocs/moc_metadataBean.cpp

objs/moc_transformGroupBean.o: mocs/moc_transformGroupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ transformGroupBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_transformGroupBean.o mocs/moc_transformGroupBean.cpp

objs/moc_viewPlatformBean.o: mocs/moc_viewPlatformBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ viewPlatformBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_viewPlatformBean.o mocs/moc_viewPlatformBean.cpp

objs/moc_d_button.o: mocs/moc_d_button.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ d_button.h
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_d_button.o mocs/moc_d_button.cpp

objs/moc_constraintBean.o: mocs/moc_constraintBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ constraintBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_constraintBean.o mocs/moc_constraintBean.cpp

objs/moc_touchSensorBean.o: mocs/moc_touchSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ touchSensorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_touchSensorBean.o mocs/moc_touchSensorBean.cpp

objs/moc_timeSensorBean.o: mocs/moc_timeSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ timeSensorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_timeSensorBean.o mocs/moc_timeSensorBean.cpp

objs/moc_textureTransformBean.o: mocs/moc_textureTransformBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ textureTransformBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_textureTransformBean.o mocs/moc_textureTransformBean.cpp

objs/moc_textureCoordinateBean.o: mocs/moc_textureCoordinateBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ textureCoordinateBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_textureCoordinateBean.o mocs/moc_textureCoordinateBean.cpp

objs/moc_pixelTextureBean.o: mocs/moc_pixelTextureBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ pixelTextureBean.h textureBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_pixelTextureBean.o mocs/moc_pixelTextureBean.cpp

objs/moc_materialBean.o: mocs/moc_materialBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ materialBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_materialBean.o mocs/moc_materialBean.cpp

objs/moc_textureBean.o: mocs/moc_textureBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ textureBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_textureBean.o mocs/moc_textureBean.cpp

objs/moc_textureAttributesBean.o: mocs/moc_textureAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ textureAttributesBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_textureAttributesBean.o mocs/moc_textureAttributesBean.cpp

objs/moc_fontStyleBean.o: mocs/moc_fontStyleBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ fontStyleBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_fontStyleBean.o mocs/moc_fontStyleBean.cpp

objs/moc_textBean.o: mocs/moc_textBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ textBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_textBean.o mocs/moc_textBean.cpp

objs/moc_protoBean.o: mocs/moc_protoBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ protoBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_protoBean.o mocs/moc_protoBean.cpp

objs/moc_externProtoBean.o: mocs/moc_externProtoBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ externProtoBean.h protoBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_externProtoBean.o mocs/moc_externProtoBean.cpp

objs/moc_texCoordGenerationBean.o: mocs/moc_texCoordGenerationBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ texCoordGenerationBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_texCoordGenerationBean.o mocs/moc_texCoordGenerationBean.cpp

objs/moc_lightBean.o: mocs/moc_lightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ lightBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_lightBean.o mocs/moc_lightBean.cpp

objs/moc_pointLightBean.o: mocs/moc_pointLightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ pointLightBean.h lightBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_pointLightBean.o mocs/moc_pointLightBean.cpp

objs/moc_switchBean.o: mocs/moc_switchBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ switchBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_switchBean.o mocs/moc_switchBean.cpp

objs/moc_spotLightBean.o: mocs/moc_spotLightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ spotLightBean.h pointLightBean.h \
lightBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_spotLightBean.o mocs/moc_spotLightBean.cpp

objs/moc_sphereSensorBean.o: mocs/moc_sphereSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sphereSensorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sphereSensorBean.o mocs/moc_sphereSensorBean.cpp

objs/moc_sphereBean.o: mocs/moc_sphereBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sphereBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sphereBean.o mocs/moc_sphereBean.cpp

objs/moc_soundscapeBean.o: mocs/moc_soundscapeBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ soundscapeBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_soundscapeBean.o mocs/moc_soundscapeBean.cpp

objs/moc_audioClipBean.o: mocs/moc_audioClipBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ audioClipBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_audioClipBean.o mocs/moc_audioClipBean.cpp

objs/moc_soundBean.o: mocs/moc_soundBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ soundBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_soundBean.o mocs/moc_soundBean.cpp

objs/moc_sharedGroupBean.o: mocs/moc_sharedGroupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ sharedGroupBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_sharedGroupBean.o mocs/moc_sharedGroupBean.cpp

objs/moc_shape3dBean.o: mocs/moc_shape3dBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ shape3dBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_shape3dBean.o mocs/moc_shape3dBean.cpp

objs/moc_scriptBean.o: mocs/moc_scriptBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ scriptBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_scriptBean.o mocs/moc_scriptBean.cpp

objs/moc_scoreBean.o: mocs/moc_scoreBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ scoreBean.h textBean.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_scoreBean.o mocs/moc_scoreBean.cpp

objs/moc_scalarInterpolatorBean.o: mocs/moc_scalarInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ scalarInterpolatorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_scalarInterpolatorBean.o mocs/moc_scalarInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/moc_renderingAttributesBean.o: mocs/moc_renderingAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ renderingAttributesBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_renderingAttributesBean.o mocs/moc_renderingAttributesBean.cpp

objs/moc_rasterBean.o: mocs/moc_rasterBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ rasterBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_rasterBean.o mocs/moc_rasterBean.cpp

objs/moc_proximitySensorBean.o: mocs/moc_proximitySensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ proximitySensorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_proximitySensorBean.o mocs/moc_proximitySensorBean.cpp

objs/moc_positionInterpolatorBean.o: mocs/moc_positionInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ positionInterpolatorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_positionInterpolatorBean.o mocs/moc_positionInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/moc_polygonAttributesBean.o: mocs/moc_polygonAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ polygonAttributesBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_polygonAttributesBean.o mocs/moc_polygonAttributesBean.cpp

objs/moc_pointSetBean.o: mocs/moc_pointSetBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ pointSetBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_pointSetBean.o mocs/moc_pointSetBean.cpp

objs/moc_pointAttributesBean.o: mocs/moc_pointAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ pointAttributesBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_pointAttributesBean.o mocs/moc_pointAttributesBean.cpp

objs/moc_planeSensorBean.o: mocs/moc_planeSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ planeSensorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_planeSensorBean.o mocs/moc_planeSensorBean.cpp

objs/moc_particleBean.o: mocs/moc_particleBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ particleBean.h nodeBean.h \
sfvec3f.h \
sfcolor.h \
sffloat.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
properties.h \
sfrotation.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_particleBean.o mocs/moc_particleBean.cpp

objs/moc_particleArrayBean.o: mocs/moc_particleArrayBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ particleArrayBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_particleArrayBean.o mocs/moc_particleArrayBean.cpp

objs/moc_orientationInterpolatorBean.o: mocs/moc_orientationInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ orientationInterpolatorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_orientationInterpolatorBean.o mocs/moc_orientationInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/moc_orderedGroupBean.o: mocs/moc_orderedGroupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ orderedGroupBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_orderedGroupBean.o mocs/moc_orderedGroupBean.cpp

objs/moc_normalInterpolatorBean.o: mocs/moc_normalInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ normalInterpolatorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_normalInterpolatorBean.o mocs/moc_normalInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/moc_normalBean.o: mocs/moc_normalBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ normalBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_normalBean.o mocs/moc_normalBean.cpp

objs/moc_navigationInfoBean.o: mocs/moc_navigationInfoBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ navigationInfoBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_navigationInfoBean.o mocs/moc_navigationInfoBean.cpp

objs/moc_controlPointBean.o: mocs/moc_controlPointBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ controlPointBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_controlPointBean.o mocs/moc_controlPointBean.cpp

objs/moc_multipleBean.o: mocs/moc_multipleBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ multipleBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_multipleBean.o mocs/moc_multipleBean.cpp

objs/moc_movieTextureBean.o: mocs/moc_movieTextureBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ movieTextureBean.h textureBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_movieTextureBean.o mocs/moc_movieTextureBean.cpp

objs/moc_morphBean.o: mocs/moc_morphBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ morphBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_morphBean.o mocs/moc_morphBean.cpp

objs/moc_loadTimeScriptBean.o: mocs/moc_loadTimeScriptBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ loadTimeScriptBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_loadTimeScriptBean.o mocs/moc_loadTimeScriptBean.cpp

objs/moc_behaviorBean.o: mocs/moc_behaviorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ behaviorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_behaviorBean.o mocs/moc_behaviorBean.cpp

objs/moc_mjbModel.o: mocs/moc_mjbModel.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ mjbModel.h
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_mjbModel.o mocs/moc_mjbModel.cpp

objs/moc_lodBean.o: mocs/moc_lodBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ lodBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_lodBean.o mocs/moc_lodBean.cpp

objs/moc_checkOptionsDialog.o: mocs/moc_checkOptionsDialog.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ checkOptionsDialog.h
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_checkOptionsDialog.o mocs/moc_checkOptionsDialog.cpp

objs/moc_kinematicsBean.o: mocs/moc_kinematicsBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ kinematicsBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_kinematicsBean.o mocs/moc_kinematicsBean.cpp

objs/moc_inlineBean.o: mocs/moc_inlineBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ inlineBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_inlineBean.o mocs/moc_inlineBean.cpp

objs/moc_indexedLineSetBean.o: mocs/moc_indexedLineSetBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ indexedLineSetBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_indexedLineSetBean.o mocs/moc_indexedLineSetBean.cpp

objs/moc_imageTextureBean.o: mocs/moc_imageTextureBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ imageTextureBean.h textureBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_imageTextureBean.o mocs/moc_imageTextureBean.cpp

objs/moc_coordinateBean.o: mocs/moc_coordinateBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ coordinateBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_coordinateBean.o mocs/moc_coordinateBean.cpp

objs/moc_colorBean.o: mocs/moc_colorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ colorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_colorBean.o mocs/moc_colorBean.cpp

objs/moc_ifsBean.o: mocs/moc_ifsBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ ifsBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_ifsBean.o mocs/moc_ifsBean.cpp

objs/moc_fogBean.o: mocs/moc_fogBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ fogBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_fogBean.o mocs/moc_fogBean.cpp

objs/moc_blobBean.o: mocs/moc_blobBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ blobBean.h ifsBean.h \
geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_blobBean.o mocs/moc_blobBean.cpp

objs/moc_geometryBean.o: mocs/moc_geometryBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ geometryBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_geometryBean.o mocs/moc_geometryBean.cpp

objs/moc_extrusionBean.o: mocs/moc_extrusionBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ extrusionBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_extrusionBean.o mocs/moc_extrusionBean.cpp

objs/moc_elivationGridBean.o: mocs/moc_elivationGridBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ elivationGridBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_elivationGridBean.o mocs/moc_elivationGridBean.cpp

objs/moc_dynamicsBean.o: mocs/moc_dynamicsBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ dynamicsBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_dynamicsBean.o mocs/moc_dynamicsBean.cpp

objs/moc_directionalLightBean.o: mocs/moc_directionalLightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ directionalLightBean.h lightBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_directionalLightBean.o mocs/moc_directionalLightBean.cpp

objs/moc_decalGroupBean.o: mocs/moc_decalGroupBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ decalGroupBean.h orderedGroupBean.h \
groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_decalGroupBean.o mocs/moc_decalGroupBean.cpp

objs/moc_d_checkbox.o: mocs/moc_d_checkbox.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ d_checkbox.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_d_checkbox.o mocs/moc_d_checkbox.cpp

objs/moc_d_simplify.o: mocs/moc_d_simplify.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ d_simplify.h di_progress.h \
modelEvent.h \
sfint32.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_d_simplify.o mocs/moc_d_simplify.cpp

objs/moc_cylinderSensorBean.o: mocs/moc_cylinderSensorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ cylinderSensorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_cylinderSensorBean.o mocs/moc_cylinderSensorBean.cpp

objs/moc_cylinderBean.o: mocs/moc_cylinderBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ cylinderBean.h geometryBean.h \
di_progress.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_cylinderBean.o mocs/moc_cylinderBean.cpp

objs/moc_coordinateInterpolatorBean.o: mocs/moc_coordinateInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ coordinateInterpolatorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_coordinateInterpolatorBean.o mocs/moc_coordinateInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/moc_coneBean.o: mocs/moc_coneBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ coneBean.h geometryBean.h \
di_progress.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_coneBean.o mocs/moc_coneBean.cpp

objs/moc_commentBean.o: mocs/moc_commentBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ commentBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_commentBean.o mocs/moc_commentBean.cpp

objs/moc_coloringAttributesBean.o: mocs/moc_coloringAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ coloringAttributesBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_coloringAttributesBean.o mocs/moc_coloringAttributesBean.cpp

objs/moc_colorInterpolatorBean.o: mocs/moc_colorInterpolatorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ colorInterpolatorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_colorInterpolatorBean.o mocs/moc_colorInterpolatorBean.cpp

objs/moc_collisionDetectBean.o: mocs/moc_collisionDetectBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ collisionDetectBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_collisionDetectBean.o mocs/moc_collisionDetectBean.cpp

objs/moc_collisionActionBean.o: mocs/moc_collisionActionBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ collisionActionBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_collisionActionBean.o mocs/moc_collisionActionBean.cpp

objs/moc_collisionBean.o: mocs/moc_collisionBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ collisionBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_collisionBean.o mocs/moc_collisionBean.cpp

objs/moc_clipBean.o: mocs/moc_clipBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ clipBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_clipBean.o mocs/moc_clipBean.cpp

objs/moc_boxBean.o: mocs/moc_boxBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ boxBean.h geometryBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_boxBean.o mocs/moc_boxBean.cpp

objs/moc_billboardBean.o: mocs/moc_billboardBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ billboardBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_billboardBean.o mocs/moc_billboardBean.cpp

objs/moc_behaviorCollision.o: mocs/moc_behaviorCollision.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ behaviorCollision.h collisionDetectBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_behaviorCollision.o mocs/moc_behaviorCollision.cpp

objs/moc_backgroundBean.o: mocs/moc_backgroundBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ backgroundBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_backgroundBean.o mocs/moc_backgroundBean.cpp

objs/moc_appearanceBean.o: mocs/moc_appearanceBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ appearanceBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_appearanceBean.o mocs/moc_appearanceBean.cpp

objs/moc_errorBean.o: mocs/moc_errorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ errorBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_errorBean.o mocs/moc_errorBean.cpp

objs/moc_lineAttributesBean.o: mocs/moc_lineAttributesBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ lineAttributesBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_lineAttributesBean.o mocs/moc_lineAttributesBean.cpp

objs/moc_anchorBean.o: mocs/moc_anchorBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ anchorBean.h groupBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_anchorBean.o mocs/moc_anchorBean.cpp

objs/moc_ambientLightBean.o: mocs/moc_ambientLightBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ ambientLightBean.h lightBean.h \
nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_ambientLightBean.o mocs/moc_ambientLightBean.cpp

objs/moc_BoundsEditor.o: mocs/moc_BoundsEditor.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ BoundsEditor.h baseEditor.h \
sffactory.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
filter.h \
properties.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_BoundsEditor.o mocs/moc_BoundsEditor.cpp

objs/moc_noBean.o: mocs/moc_noBean.cpp mjbModel.gch/c++ noBean.h nodeBean.h \
filter.h \
sffactory.h \
modelEvent.h \
property.h \
stable.h \
$(CXX) -c -include mjbModel $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o objs/moc_noBean.o mocs/moc_noBean.cpp

mocs/moc_baseEditor.cpp: $(MOC) baseEditor.h
$(MOC) baseEditor.h -o mocs/moc_baseEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_nodeBean.cpp: $(MOC) nodeBean.h
$(MOC) nodeBean.h -o mocs/moc_nodeBean.cpp

mocs/moc_mfparam.cpp: $(MOC) mfparam.h
$(MOC) mfparam.h -o mocs/moc_mfparam.cpp

mocs/moc_sfnode.cpp: $(MOC) sfnode.h
$(MOC) sfnode.h -o mocs/moc_sfnode.cpp

mocs/moc_mfnode.cpp: $(MOC) mfnode.h
$(MOC) mfnode.h -o mocs/moc_mfnode.cpp

mocs/moc_sfbool.cpp: $(MOC) sfbool.h
$(MOC) sfbool.h -o mocs/moc_sfbool.cpp

mocs/moc_sfint32.cpp: $(MOC) sfint32.h
$(MOC) sfint32.h -o mocs/moc_sfint32.cpp

mocs/moc_mfint32.cpp: $(MOC) mfint32.h
$(MOC) mfint32.h -o mocs/moc_mfint32.cpp

mocs/moc_sfparam.cpp: $(MOC) sfparam.h
$(MOC) sfparam.h -o mocs/moc_sfparam.cpp

mocs/moc_sfboolEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sfboolEditor.h
$(MOC) sfboolEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sfboolEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_protoInstanceBean.cpp: $(MOC) protoInstanceBean.h
$(MOC) protoInstanceBean.h -o mocs/moc_protoInstanceBean.cpp

mocs/moc_sftransform.cpp: $(MOC) sftransform.h
$(MOC) sftransform.h -o mocs/moc_sftransform.cpp

mocs/moc_sfvec3f.cpp: $(MOC) sfvec3f.h
$(MOC) sfvec3f.h -o mocs/moc_sfvec3f.cpp

mocs/moc_sfvec3fEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sfvec3fEditor.h
$(MOC) sfvec3fEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sfvec3fEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_mfvec3f.cpp: $(MOC) mfvec3f.h
$(MOC) mfvec3f.h -o mocs/moc_mfvec3f.cpp

mocs/moc_mfvec2f.cpp: $(MOC) mfvec2f.h
$(MOC) mfvec2f.h -o mocs/moc_mfvec2f.cpp

mocs/moc_sfvec2f.cpp: $(MOC) sfvec2f.h
$(MOC) sfvec2f.h -o mocs/moc_sfvec2f.cpp

mocs/moc_sfrotation.cpp: $(MOC) sfrotation.h
$(MOC) sfrotation.h -o mocs/moc_sfrotation.cpp

mocs/moc_sfrotationEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sfrotationEditor.h
$(MOC) sfrotationEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sfrotationEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_sftime.cpp: $(MOC) sftime.h
$(MOC) sftime.h -o mocs/moc_sftime.cpp

mocs/moc_mfrotation.cpp: $(MOC) mfrotation.h
$(MOC) mfrotation.h -o mocs/moc_mfrotation.cpp

mocs/moc_sfmulti3d.cpp: $(MOC) sfmulti3d.h
$(MOC) sfmulti3d.h -o mocs/moc_sfmulti3d.cpp

mocs/moc_sfstring.cpp: $(MOC) sfstring.h
$(MOC) sfstring.h -o mocs/moc_sfstring.cpp

mocs/moc_mfstring.cpp: $(MOC) mfstring.h
$(MOC) mfstring.h -o mocs/moc_mfstring.cpp

mocs/moc_mfpropertyMap.cpp: $(MOC) mfpropertyMap.h
$(MOC) mfpropertyMap.h -o mocs/moc_mfpropertyMap.cpp

mocs/moc_sfpropertyMap.cpp: $(MOC) sfpropertyMap.h
$(MOC) sfpropertyMap.h -o mocs/moc_sfpropertyMap.cpp

mocs/moc_sfcolor.cpp: $(MOC) sfcolor.h
$(MOC) sfcolor.h -o mocs/moc_sfcolor.cpp

mocs/moc_sffloat.cpp: $(MOC) sffloat.h
$(MOC) sffloat.h -o mocs/moc_sffloat.cpp

mocs/moc_sfimage.cpp: $(MOC) sfimage.h
$(MOC) sfimage.h -o mocs/moc_sfimage.cpp

mocs/moc_sfimageEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sfimageEditor.h
$(MOC) sfimageEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sfimageEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_mffloat.cpp: $(MOC) mffloat.h
$(MOC) mffloat.h -o mocs/moc_mffloat.cpp

mocs/moc_mfcolor.cpp: $(MOC) mfcolor.h
$(MOC) mfcolor.h -o mocs/moc_mfcolor.cpp

mocs/moc_sfedge.cpp: $(MOC) sfedge.h
$(MOC) sfedge.h -o mocs/moc_sfedge.cpp

mocs/moc_mfedge.cpp: $(MOC) mfedge.h
$(MOC) mfedge.h -o mocs/moc_mfedge.cpp

mocs/moc_d_editProperty.cpp: $(MOC) d_editProperty.h
$(MOC) d_editProperty.h -o mocs/moc_d_editProperty.cpp

mocs/moc_sfvec2fEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sfvec2fEditor.h
$(MOC) sfvec2fEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sfvec2fEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_d_editTable.cpp: $(MOC) d_editTable.h
$(MOC) d_editTable.h -o mocs/moc_d_editTable.cpp

mocs/moc_arrayEditor.cpp: $(MOC) arrayEditor.h
$(MOC) arrayEditor.h -o mocs/moc_arrayEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_sftransformEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sftransformEditor.h
$(MOC) sftransformEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sftransformEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_sfnodeEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sfnodeEditor.h
$(MOC) sfnodeEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sfnodeEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_sfstringEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sfstringEditor.h
$(MOC) sfstringEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sfstringEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_sftimeEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sftimeEditor.h
$(MOC) sftimeEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sftimeEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_sfint32Editor.cpp: $(MOC) sfint32Editor.h
$(MOC) sfint32Editor.h -o mocs/moc_sfint32Editor.cpp

mocs/moc_sfcolorEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sfcolorEditor.h
$(MOC) sfcolorEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sfcolorEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_sffloatEditor.cpp: $(MOC) sffloatEditor.h
$(MOC) sffloatEditor.h -o mocs/moc_sffloatEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_colCanvas.cpp: $(MOC) colCanvas.h
$(MOC) colCanvas.h -o mocs/moc_colCanvas.cpp

mocs/moc_routeBean.cpp: $(MOC) routeBean.h
$(MOC) routeBean.h -o mocs/moc_routeBean.cpp

mocs/moc_sceneBean.cpp: $(MOC) sceneBean.h
$(MOC) sceneBean.h -o mocs/moc_sceneBean.cpp

mocs/moc_linkBean.cpp: $(MOC) linkBean.h
$(MOC) linkBean.h -o mocs/moc_linkBean.cpp

mocs/moc_groupBean.cpp: $(MOC) groupBean.h
$(MOC) groupBean.h -o mocs/moc_groupBean.cpp

mocs/moc_worldInfoBean.cpp: $(MOC) worldInfoBean.h
$(MOC) worldInfoBean.h -o mocs/moc_worldInfoBean.cpp

mocs/moc_visibilitySensorBean.cpp: $(MOC) visibilitySensorBean.h
$(MOC) visibilitySensorBean.h -o mocs/moc_visibilitySensorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_metadataDoubleBean.cpp: $(MOC) metadataDoubleBean.h
$(MOC) metadataDoubleBean.h -o mocs/moc_metadataDoubleBean.cpp

mocs/moc_metadataFloatBean.cpp: $(MOC) metadataFloatBean.h
$(MOC) metadataFloatBean.h -o mocs/moc_metadataFloatBean.cpp

mocs/moc_metadataIntegerBean.cpp: $(MOC) metadataIntegerBean.h
$(MOC) metadataIntegerBean.h -o mocs/moc_metadataIntegerBean.cpp

mocs/moc_metadataSetBean.cpp: $(MOC) metadataSetBean.h
$(MOC) metadataSetBean.h -o mocs/moc_metadataSetBean.cpp

mocs/moc_metadataStringBean.cpp: $(MOC) metadataStringBean.h
$(MOC) metadataStringBean.h -o mocs/moc_metadataStringBean.cpp

mocs/moc_metadataBean.cpp: $(MOC) metadataBean.h
$(MOC) metadataBean.h -o mocs/moc_metadataBean.cpp

mocs/moc_transformGroupBean.cpp: $(MOC) transformGroupBean.h
$(MOC) transformGroupBean.h -o mocs/moc_transformGroupBean.cpp

mocs/moc_viewPlatformBean.cpp: $(MOC) viewPlatformBean.h
$(MOC) viewPlatformBean.h -o mocs/moc_viewPlatformBean.cpp

mocs/moc_d_button.cpp: $(MOC) d_button.h
$(MOC) d_button.h -o mocs/moc_d_button.cpp

mocs/moc_constraintBean.cpp: $(MOC) constraintBean.h
$(MOC) constraintBean.h -o mocs/moc_constraintBean.cpp

mocs/moc_touchSensorBean.cpp: $(MOC) touchSensorBean.h
$(MOC) touchSensorBean.h -o mocs/moc_touchSensorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_timeSensorBean.cpp: $(MOC) timeSensorBean.h
$(MOC) timeSensorBean.h -o mocs/moc_timeSensorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_textureTransformBean.cpp: $(MOC) textureTransformBean.h
$(MOC) textureTransformBean.h -o mocs/moc_textureTransformBean.cpp

mocs/moc_textureCoordinateBean.cpp: $(MOC) textureCoordinateBean.h
$(MOC) textureCoordinateBean.h -o mocs/moc_textureCoordinateBean.cpp

mocs/moc_pixelTextureBean.cpp: $(MOC) pixelTextureBean.h
$(MOC) pixelTextureBean.h -o mocs/moc_pixelTextureBean.cpp

mocs/moc_materialBean.cpp: $(MOC) materialBean.h
$(MOC) materialBean.h -o mocs/moc_materialBean.cpp

mocs/moc_textureBean.cpp: $(MOC) textureBean.h
$(MOC) textureBean.h -o mocs/moc_textureBean.cpp

mocs/moc_textureAttributesBean.cpp: $(MOC) textureAttributesBean.h
$(MOC) textureAttributesBean.h -o mocs/moc_textureAttributesBean.cpp

mocs/moc_fontStyleBean.cpp: $(MOC) fontStyleBean.h
$(MOC) fontStyleBean.h -o mocs/moc_fontStyleBean.cpp

mocs/moc_textBean.cpp: $(MOC) textBean.h
$(MOC) textBean.h -o mocs/moc_textBean.cpp

mocs/moc_protoBean.cpp: $(MOC) protoBean.h
$(MOC) protoBean.h -o mocs/moc_protoBean.cpp

mocs/moc_externProtoBean.cpp: $(MOC) externProtoBean.h
$(MOC) externProtoBean.h -o mocs/moc_externProtoBean.cpp

mocs/moc_texCoordGenerationBean.cpp: $(MOC) texCoordGenerationBean.h
$(MOC) texCoordGenerationBean.h -o mocs/moc_texCoordGenerationBean.cpp

mocs/moc_lightBean.cpp: $(MOC) lightBean.h
$(MOC) lightBean.h -o mocs/moc_lightBean.cpp

mocs/moc_pointLightBean.cpp: $(MOC) pointLightBean.h
$(MOC) pointLightBean.h -o mocs/moc_pointLightBean.cpp

mocs/moc_switchBean.cpp: $(MOC) switchBean.h
$(MOC) switchBean.h -o mocs/moc_switchBean.cpp

mocs/moc_spotLightBean.cpp: $(MOC) spotLightBean.h
$(MOC) spotLightBean.h -o mocs/moc_spotLightBean.cpp

mocs/moc_sphereSensorBean.cpp: $(MOC) sphereSensorBean.h
$(MOC) sphereSensorBean.h -o mocs/moc_sphereSensorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_sphereBean.cpp: $(MOC) sphereBean.h
$(MOC) sphereBean.h -o mocs/moc_sphereBean.cpp

mocs/moc_soundscapeBean.cpp: $(MOC) soundscapeBean.h
$(MOC) soundscapeBean.h -o mocs/moc_soundscapeBean.cpp

mocs/moc_audioClipBean.cpp: $(MOC) audioClipBean.h
$(MOC) audioClipBean.h -o mocs/moc_audioClipBean.cpp

mocs/moc_soundBean.cpp: $(MOC) soundBean.h
$(MOC) soundBean.h -o mocs/moc_soundBean.cpp

mocs/moc_sharedGroupBean.cpp: $(MOC) sharedGroupBean.h
$(MOC) sharedGroupBean.h -o mocs/moc_sharedGroupBean.cpp

mocs/moc_shape3dBean.cpp: $(MOC) shape3dBean.h
$(MOC) shape3dBean.h -o mocs/moc_shape3dBean.cpp

mocs/moc_scriptBean.cpp: $(MOC) scriptBean.h
$(MOC) scriptBean.h -o mocs/moc_scriptBean.cpp

mocs/moc_scoreBean.cpp: $(MOC) scoreBean.h
$(MOC) scoreBean.h -o mocs/moc_scoreBean.cpp

mocs/moc_scalarInterpolatorBean.cpp: $(MOC) scalarInterpolatorBean.h
$(MOC) scalarInterpolatorBean.h -o mocs/moc_scalarInterpolatorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_renderingAttributesBean.cpp: $(MOC) renderingAttributesBean.h
$(MOC) renderingAttributesBean.h -o mocs/moc_renderingAttributesBean.cpp

mocs/moc_rasterBean.cpp: $(MOC) rasterBean.h
$(MOC) rasterBean.h -o mocs/moc_rasterBean.cpp

mocs/moc_proximitySensorBean.cpp: $(MOC) proximitySensorBean.h
$(MOC) proximitySensorBean.h -o mocs/moc_proximitySensorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_positionInterpolatorBean.cpp: $(MOC) positionInterpolatorBean.h
$(MOC) positionInterpolatorBean.h -o mocs/moc_positionInterpolatorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_polygonAttributesBean.cpp: $(MOC) polygonAttributesBean.h
$(MOC) polygonAttributesBean.h -o mocs/moc_polygonAttributesBean.cpp

mocs/moc_pointSetBean.cpp: $(MOC) pointSetBean.h
$(MOC) pointSetBean.h -o mocs/moc_pointSetBean.cpp

mocs/moc_pointAttributesBean.cpp: $(MOC) pointAttributesBean.h
$(MOC) pointAttributesBean.h -o mocs/moc_pointAttributesBean.cpp

mocs/moc_planeSensorBean.cpp: $(MOC) planeSensorBean.h
$(MOC) planeSensorBean.h -o mocs/moc_planeSensorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_particleBean.cpp: $(MOC) particleBean.h
$(MOC) particleBean.h -o mocs/moc_particleBean.cpp

mocs/moc_particleArrayBean.cpp: $(MOC) particleArrayBean.h
$(MOC) particleArrayBean.h -o mocs/moc_particleArrayBean.cpp

mocs/moc_orientationInterpolatorBean.cpp: $(MOC) orientationInterpolatorBean.h
$(MOC) orientationInterpolatorBean.h -o mocs/moc_orientationInterpolatorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_orderedGroupBean.cpp: $(MOC) orderedGroupBean.h
$(MOC) orderedGroupBean.h -o mocs/moc_orderedGroupBean.cpp

mocs/moc_normalInterpolatorBean.cpp: $(MOC) normalInterpolatorBean.h
$(MOC) normalInterpolatorBean.h -o mocs/moc_normalInterpolatorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_normalBean.cpp: $(MOC) normalBean.h
$(MOC) normalBean.h -o mocs/moc_normalBean.cpp

mocs/moc_navigationInfoBean.cpp: $(MOC) navigationInfoBean.h
$(MOC) navigationInfoBean.h -o mocs/moc_navigationInfoBean.cpp

mocs/moc_controlPointBean.cpp: $(MOC) controlPointBean.h
$(MOC) controlPointBean.h -o mocs/moc_controlPointBean.cpp

mocs/moc_multipleBean.cpp: $(MOC) multipleBean.h
$(MOC) multipleBean.h -o mocs/moc_multipleBean.cpp

mocs/moc_movieTextureBean.cpp: $(MOC) movieTextureBean.h
$(MOC) movieTextureBean.h -o mocs/moc_movieTextureBean.cpp

mocs/moc_morphBean.cpp: $(MOC) morphBean.h
$(MOC) morphBean.h -o mocs/moc_morphBean.cpp

mocs/moc_loadTimeScriptBean.cpp: $(MOC) loadTimeScriptBean.h
$(MOC) loadTimeScriptBean.h -o mocs/moc_loadTimeScriptBean.cpp

mocs/moc_behaviorBean.cpp: $(MOC) behaviorBean.h
$(MOC) behaviorBean.h -o mocs/moc_behaviorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_mjbModel.cpp: $(MOC) mjbModel.h
$(MOC) mjbModel.h -o mocs/moc_mjbModel.cpp

mocs/moc_lodBean.cpp: $(MOC) lodBean.h
$(MOC) lodBean.h -o mocs/moc_lodBean.cpp

mocs/moc_checkOptionsDialog.cpp: $(MOC) checkOptionsDialog.h
$(MOC) checkOptionsDialog.h -o mocs/moc_checkOptionsDialog.cpp

mocs/moc_kinematicsBean.cpp: $(MOC) kinematicsBean.h
$(MOC) kinematicsBean.h -o mocs/moc_kinematicsBean.cpp

mocs/moc_inlineBean.cpp: $(MOC) inlineBean.h
$(MOC) inlineBean.h -o mocs/moc_inlineBean.cpp

mocs/moc_indexedLineSetBean.cpp: $(MOC) indexedLineSetBean.h
$(MOC) indexedLineSetBean.h -o mocs/moc_indexedLineSetBean.cpp

mocs/moc_imageTextureBean.cpp: $(MOC) imageTextureBean.h
$(MOC) imageTextureBean.h -o mocs/moc_imageTextureBean.cpp

mocs/moc_coordinateBean.cpp: $(MOC) coordinateBean.h
$(MOC) coordinateBean.h -o mocs/moc_coordinateBean.cpp

mocs/moc_colorBean.cpp: $(MOC) colorBean.h
$(MOC) colorBean.h -o mocs/moc_colorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_ifsBean.cpp: $(MOC) ifsBean.h
$(MOC) ifsBean.h -o mocs/moc_ifsBean.cpp

mocs/moc_fogBean.cpp: $(MOC) fogBean.h
$(MOC) fogBean.h -o mocs/moc_fogBean.cpp

mocs/moc_blobBean.cpp: $(MOC) blobBean.h
$(MOC) blobBean.h -o mocs/moc_blobBean.cpp

mocs/moc_geometryBean.cpp: $(MOC) geometryBean.h
$(MOC) geometryBean.h -o mocs/moc_geometryBean.cpp

mocs/moc_extrusionBean.cpp: $(MOC) extrusionBean.h
$(MOC) extrusionBean.h -o mocs/moc_extrusionBean.cpp

mocs/moc_elivationGridBean.cpp: $(MOC) elivationGridBean.h
$(MOC) elivationGridBean.h -o mocs/moc_elivationGridBean.cpp

mocs/moc_dynamicsBean.cpp: $(MOC) dynamicsBean.h
$(MOC) dynamicsBean.h -o mocs/moc_dynamicsBean.cpp

mocs/moc_directionalLightBean.cpp: $(MOC) directionalLightBean.h
$(MOC) directionalLightBean.h -o mocs/moc_directionalLightBean.cpp

mocs/moc_decalGroupBean.cpp: $(MOC) decalGroupBean.h
$(MOC) decalGroupBean.h -o mocs/moc_decalGroupBean.cpp

mocs/moc_d_checkbox.cpp: $(MOC) d_checkbox.h
$(MOC) d_checkbox.h -o mocs/moc_d_checkbox.cpp

mocs/moc_d_simplify.cpp: $(MOC) d_simplify.h
$(MOC) d_simplify.h -o mocs/moc_d_simplify.cpp

mocs/moc_cylinderSensorBean.cpp: $(MOC) cylinderSensorBean.h
$(MOC) cylinderSensorBean.h -o mocs/moc_cylinderSensorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_cylinderBean.cpp: $(MOC) cylinderBean.h
$(MOC) cylinderBean.h -o mocs/moc_cylinderBean.cpp

mocs/moc_coordinateInterpolatorBean.cpp: $(MOC) coordinateInterpolatorBean.h
$(MOC) coordinateInterpolatorBean.h -o mocs/moc_coordinateInterpolatorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_coneBean.cpp: $(MOC) coneBean.h
$(MOC) coneBean.h -o mocs/moc_coneBean.cpp

mocs/moc_commentBean.cpp: $(MOC) commentBean.h
$(MOC) commentBean.h -o mocs/moc_commentBean.cpp

mocs/moc_coloringAttributesBean.cpp: $(MOC) coloringAttributesBean.h
$(MOC) coloringAttributesBean.h -o mocs/moc_coloringAttributesBean.cpp

mocs/moc_colorInterpolatorBean.cpp: $(MOC) colorInterpolatorBean.h
$(MOC) colorInterpolatorBean.h -o mocs/moc_colorInterpolatorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_collisionDetectBean.cpp: $(MOC) collisionDetectBean.h
$(MOC) collisionDetectBean.h -o mocs/moc_collisionDetectBean.cpp

mocs/moc_collisionActionBean.cpp: $(MOC) collisionActionBean.h
$(MOC) collisionActionBean.h -o mocs/moc_collisionActionBean.cpp

mocs/moc_collisionBean.cpp: $(MOC) collisionBean.h
$(MOC) collisionBean.h -o mocs/moc_collisionBean.cpp

mocs/moc_clipBean.cpp: $(MOC) clipBean.h
$(MOC) clipBean.h -o mocs/moc_clipBean.cpp

mocs/moc_boxBean.cpp: $(MOC) boxBean.h
$(MOC) boxBean.h -o mocs/moc_boxBean.cpp

mocs/moc_billboardBean.cpp: $(MOC) billboardBean.h
$(MOC) billboardBean.h -o mocs/moc_billboardBean.cpp

mocs/moc_behaviorCollision.cpp: $(MOC) behaviorCollision.h
$(MOC) behaviorCollision.h -o mocs/moc_behaviorCollision.cpp

mocs/moc_backgroundBean.cpp: $(MOC) backgroundBean.h
$(MOC) backgroundBean.h -o mocs/moc_backgroundBean.cpp

mocs/moc_appearanceBean.cpp: $(MOC) appearanceBean.h
$(MOC) appearanceBean.h -o mocs/moc_appearanceBean.cpp

mocs/moc_errorBean.cpp: $(MOC) errorBean.h
$(MOC) errorBean.h -o mocs/moc_errorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_lineAttributesBean.cpp: $(MOC) lineAttributesBean.h
$(MOC) lineAttributesBean.h -o mocs/moc_lineAttributesBean.cpp

mocs/moc_anchorBean.cpp: $(MOC) anchorBean.h
$(MOC) anchorBean.h -o mocs/moc_anchorBean.cpp

mocs/moc_ambientLightBean.cpp: $(MOC) ambientLightBean.h
$(MOC) ambientLightBean.h -o mocs/moc_ambientLightBean.cpp

mocs/moc_BoundsEditor.cpp: $(MOC) BoundsEditor.h
$(MOC) BoundsEditor.h -o mocs/moc_BoundsEditor.cpp

mocs/moc_noBean.cpp: $(MOC) noBean.h
$(MOC) noBean.h -o mocs/moc_noBean.cpp

####### Install



metadata block
see also:


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Copyright (c) 1998-2023 Martin John Baker - All rights reserved - privacy policy.